Note that Im talking societal inhibitions aside. Do you piss in the shower for the hell of it? Maybe you enjoy those big ass troughs at stadiums? What is the optimal experience?
Peeing outdoors is the closest were gonna get to reject humanity return to monkey, so enjoy it while theres still outside to piss in.
The fact that you didn't put Margaret Thatcher's grave in the "Optimal" category means I cannot in good conscience upbear this post.
I cant believe I fucked up that bad. Brb deleting my account
"In a rich man's house there is no place to piss but his face."
-Diogenes, probably
Yeah outside is optimal. However, if you camp or hike in an area with mountain goats do NOT piss right next to the trail or campsite. The goats crave the salt and they will seek out the piss. Which can get them too close/comfortable with humans and leads to unfortunate human/goat confrontations
This is the case for deer as well.
A guideline is to piss on a rock, not on a tree, because the deer will gnaw off the salty tree bark.
peeing in the woods as a vagina-haver (unless you have one of those special funnels):
peeing in the ocean:
(seriously how is the ocean not on here)Too unbalanced. Itd require its own tier about four tiers above optimal
The highlight for me so far has been pissing into an active volcanic vent
Fun story:
One time I was waiting in line to piss at a frat house party and I had to go really bad so I just went in a hole in their wall that someone had punched in
the troughs are how all urinals should be tbh, no need to waste all that water on a glorified piss bucket. also, no splashback
At this one festival I use to go to they had porta-potties that was just a trough. Not a trough person but this was kinda bad ass. You could go in there, piss and get back to the festivities. Less of a line for people that wanna piss standing up, less of a line for people that wanna piss sitting down. Win fucking win
There's also this version for festivals, which takes up a lot less space than a trough and is accessible from all sides.
I am disappointed to see no "on someone else" option, which is obviously the best one. Otherwise, outdoors is peak pissing. I'd rather piss in a sink than any kind of bottle or can, or a port a potty
I used to work at a place with an odd color floor in the bathroom that made the range/rate of urinal splashback very apparent to me and every since then it's in my "never" category. Peeing outside is pure, unfiltered bliss
Penis-havers who pee standing up, why are you so wrong? When will you see the error of your ways?