I’ve never done or said a transphobic thing in my life.

“-phobia” means “fear,” and I’m not afraid of redacted! Will someone tell me what is so transphobic about wishing redacted didn’t exist?!

Please someone. Anyone. @Beatnik is drunk with power. When I see posters getting banned for posting transphobic things... well, I am terrified for the future of my account.

“When they came for the transphobes, I said nothing, because I was not transphobic.”


  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Mrs. Rowling before you get banned as a super big fan of HP I need to know the answer to the following questions.

    Has a wizard ever taken a shit so big he couldn't disappear it?

    Was Witchcraft or Wizardry involved in the magic bullet that killed JFK?

    Do the animated candy frogs have souls and do they burn in hell after you eat them for being abominations unto God?

    • JKRowling [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Dear @GrouchyGrouse,

      Thank you for your questions.

      Many wizards have taken many shits they couldn't disappear. It's embarrassing, but in this case, they must ask an older, better wizard to disappear it for them.

      Neither Witchcraft nor Wizardry was involved in the death of JFK. I write this with absolute uncertainty.

      The animated chocolate frogs do not have souls. They are, however, sentient, and feel entirely the excruciating pain of being devoured.


      @JK Rowling