"The admins of chapo.chat are going on a banning spree for all TERFs and "transphobes" based on if users downvote posts that have anything to do with being trans. I downvoted a comment that said the admins should absolutely ban people based on their voting record lol. And since I didnt have a comment/post history, I'm apparently a Nazi TERF plant sent there to make LGBTs uncomfortable with using the website in an attempt to rid them from the "leftist movement".

It's amusing that everyone there is nostalgic for Stalin and Mao, and cartoonishly voice their full support for them every fucking day, I'm sure they would have fully supported the LGBT movement. I'm never leaving stupidpol again, I love all of you nazi [r-slur]s."

Bonus: "I was unbanned. I apparently only have one downvote left that Im allowed to use. Thank you benevolent moderators of Chapo.Chat. I promise to never downvote again."

This was very much unexpected and not predictable at all.

Edit: the op deleted it :party-sicko:

Edit 2 : It seems the above is fake news and the supidpol mods deleted it for damage control or something idk.

  • AMWB [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I posted there recently and holy shit did I regret it. Believe it or not, a lot of them have fucked up ideas about race.

      • AMWB [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Is THAT what is going on there? I literally posted there for the first time yesterday and could not figure out wtf was going on with the replies.

        • the_river_cass [she/her]
          4 years ago

          yea, they're unironic class reductionists. it started chapo-adjacent but they didn't ban reactionary shit so it became a nazi sub in short order.

          • sleepdealer [he/him]
            4 years ago

            If you don't come down on reactionaries swiftly and hard they will fucking multiply and push the limits of what they can get away with. Everytime.

          • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
            4 years ago

            it started chapo-adjacent but they didn’t ban reactionary shit so it became a nazi sub in short order.

            It was rotten from the start: its two founders, gucci and crab, were the two worst posters on the old sub, and crab in particular would go on like 100+ comment rants furiously defending the honor of Al Franken and the google evopsych manifesto guy. I remember spending entirely too long fighting with both of them over trans issues (also literally everything else, because they were terrible on every issue) back in the day, and it was a good day when Ohmiglob finally banned crab.

            • AMWB [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Fun fact I actually know one of the evolutionary psychologists who was cited by the google manifesto guy. He was rightly horrified with the way his work was being misused.

              It's funny because these chuds like to think they have access to more facts and logic than the mainstream consensus. But it turns out the leading researchers in the field hate their opinions too.

            • the_river_cass [she/her]
              4 years ago

              oh, I remember them, I just meant that the two subs had significant overlap for a while. but the influx of reactionary users into stupidpol split the two apart. yeah, it was always shit but CTH was frequently willing to tolerate defenses of the takes in that sub until it became very clear that it was just cover for being a reactionary.

              • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
                4 years ago

                Yeah, it was nice when they finally started the tradition of regular purges of stupidpol posters.

                  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
                    4 years ago

                    It'll never be finished. Thing's will quiet down for a few months, it'll become a problem again, and then it'll be time for another large scale purge.

                    Fuck, I was just thinking "what if there's a way to socialize people better to break the cycle of needing regular purges" but there's not really a way to do that on social media, since people can just filter in and we can't exactly sit them down and mandate an ethics and political education class or something where they'd at least ostensibly learn better.

                    • the_river_cass [she/her]
                      4 years ago

                      I've gone through so many cycles of educating people on trans stuff - I'm very aware. it's neverending.

                      some of this stuff is cultural, though, and it is getting better slowly. like notice how we have more people talking about how they feel and how their day is going - there's a noticeable decrease in the overwhelming (toxic) masculinity of the space since the days of the sub. pronoun tags have worked, banning sealioning and concern trolling has helped, and the supportive posture of the mod team helps as well.

                      unfortunately, the thing that would help the most - actual political education - isn't really something this space can enforce, so we have to get a little more clever about what kinds of policies we try.

    • TheDeed [he/him, comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      yeah, they have fucked up views about every minority, because they despise the concept of intersectionality - they are reactionaries

      basically if you aren't a white guy and you dare to exist, in their eyes you are distracting from the goal of socialism and should shut up and take whatever you get bigotry

    • keki_ya [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Once I posted that the right-wingers on the sub frequently de-rail discussion and add nothing of value, and I came back an hour later to a full-blown freakout. Got told stuff like “yeah well you can’t just ban all ideas you disagree with” and “the left will achieve nothing if we stay within our own fortress of opinions.” I didn’t even advocate banning the rightoids or anything

      • sleepdealer [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Banning rightoids is cool and good for this exact reason

        " Muh :freeze-peach: "

      • AMWB [he/him]
        4 years ago

        That's exactly it. I thought it was just another post-chapo sub and a lot of the posts are actually decent. And the woke liberal establishment frankly deserves to get criticized and mocked more than it does. But holy shit the rightoids in the comments make any discussion impossible.

        I made a post comparing racism to astrology and boy did they come out of the woodwork to defend scientific racism on a supposedly marxist sub. It's a shame. The reactionaries make any constructive discussion impossible. Unless.... UNLESS... :stalin-shining:

      • Chapogod [fae/faer]
        4 years ago

        Haha you are exactly the type of user I imagine making those hysterical cryposts