[user was banned for sectarianism]
fidel was 1.91 is that enough
if not you just imagine him in massive gothic platforms i do that all the time
oh i meant like, distribute it throughout the body as you want
Stop calling Lenin a manlet! He was a short king! Trotsky's the manlet :angery: :angery: :angery:
Amazing flex is to sleep with Trotsky then become full ML like Frida Kahlo.
Her and Rivera's politics were extremely strange tbh, especially Rivera's. Partly due their failing health but Rivera was also in some whack occult stuff.
Their initial break with Trotsky was over which person to support for succeeding Cardenas. Rivera supported Mugica, who Trotsky thought was a bad politician.
I would like to point out that the average height of men has grown by about 11cm (4.3 inches) in the last century, so they were not that short at the time. In 1920, the height of the average soviet man was 167cm, and that's about half a century after Lenin and Trotsky were born. So really Lenin was of average height and Trotsky was actually a bit taller than average.