Fucking bizarre

  • VHS [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The PA really is the sticking point. Almost every theory makes more sense without it. Just a thought though...

    If you've been following the far-right online, they have been talking about invoking Martial Law since the election: using a state of emergency and military force to keep the WH. The Q faction in particular talks about "10 Days of Darkness", a planned(?) media/communications blackout to keep Trump's enemies and the public at large in the dark while Trump consolidates power (this is a good thing to them, of course). While this is almost certainly not Trump's actual plan, maybe a Q follower really wants it to be. Blowing up a bomb downtown then serves two purposes: general terror and a stab at comms infrastructure.

    But then there's the PA. Just seems too courteous and high-quality, like an unrealistic movie. Can only think of a three-letter answer for that part.

    • kilternkafuffle [any]
      4 years ago

      But then there’s the PA. Just seems too courteous and high-quality, like an unrealistic movie. Can only think of a three-letter answer for that part.

      I think a nerd/technician could do that easily. Justify it that way to themselves and look more noble - "I'm not a murderer, I'm a terrorist", just sending a message.

      If it turns out to be someone connected to AT&T - an unhappy former worker, say, then the location makes sense, too.

      Not that the military-security apparatus element are above this sort of thing. But I think someone who's had it all with this shitty system - perhaps without any political explanations, even, may still have done this. Just a Fuck You to the world on the way out - but not a murder, which leaves you hated by everyone.

      • VHS [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I see what you're saying. A layman with some technical knowledge could rig up a PA like that, it's just unusual. Someone without political convictions who wanted a spectacle would go with the weirdness of it.

        • kilternkafuffle [any]
          4 years ago

          Haha I know people with technical knowledge and strong, but very bland political convictions. You can be angry, but still only want to say, "Oh, if only we had a Canadian system of government...!" You're right that it's weird - but it also takes someone weird to do a terrorism in the first place.

    • penguin_von_doom [she/her]
      4 years ago

      The PA makes a lot of sense if you consider someone who wants to only hurt the bad guys, whoever the bad guys are. It also makes a lot of sense if the person doing this has watched a lot of movies or genuinely didn't want to hurt civilians. This to me makes perfect sense with the idea that this is a q person or some conspiracy theory rando. Wasn't there some rumour that that AT&T station held some voting machines data? If I remember this correctly it could then be a stop the steal person.

      • 420clownpeen [they/them,any]
        4 years ago

        Yeah or a 5G nut. But usually those types can't shut the fuck up about their theories, so it's odd there wasn't a brainwormed manifesto or something that turned up. Unless maybe the cops found one and decided to keep it under wraps to avoid copycat attacks. Not enough puzzle pieces rn to get any satisfying conclusions.

      • VHS [he/him]
        4 years ago

        "PA system", a loudspeaker system for addressing the public. Sorry if that's not a common term.

      • VHS [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Gab has a group for Q posts, and a segment of thedonald.lose's userbase posts Q stuff (less so now than previously). I'm sure there's some on Parler, but I haven't made an account.

    • 420clownpeen [they/them,any]
      4 years ago

      Caring about civilian casualties seems uncharacteristic of any three-letter clandestine operations. I don't think the PA makes that possibility more or less likely.