You've all probably heard by now, but a bunch of Trump supporters are marching on DC on Wednesday to pressure Congress into overturning the election. Trump is supportive of this. What do you think will happen? Will it be super small, or will it actually change Congress' votes?
Also, isn't it insanely hypocritical how these fuckers wouldn't shut up about Hillary trying to "steal" the election in 2016, and now are doing the exact same thing?
they are not "doing the exact same thing". they blatantly made shit up based on what they wanted to do.
it's different. I'm not going to defend the dems, they probably cheat every time, but let's keep slander and libel out of our criticisms; it's not like there's a shortage of actual fuckery they pulled. and lets also avoid validating fascist talking points.
Russiagate is blatantly made up. But you have to be specific by what you mean about Russiagate. Putin paid Trump to steal the election never happened. Kropromat or whatever the shit it's called never happened. The reports on Trump were actually created by the same kind of deepstate ghouls who do ratfuck foreign policy. The DNC was hacked but so was the RNC. And the ties to Putin there aren't as solid as the media would like you to believe. Releasing confidential emails of corrupt assholes is cool and good and a fun thing to do. Even when it's inconvenient for the corrupt assholes ie during an election.
Yes, Trump is making shit up. He was always going to do that. Libs spending years of his first and only term calling for his removal everyday has created a way forward for Republicans to do the same thing. Dems never understood Trump, they still don't. It's very likely that Biden could be impeached after 2022, whether the Ukraine shit is made up or not. And that's only possible because Dems made it their sole issue instead of actually governing. As soon as Hillary went on TV and said he's not legitimate, as soon as libs got caught up in Russiagate, that was it. This was going to be the outcome.
This is why libs suck at politics. They're constantly and unknowingly create all these tools for fascists to use. Or they do know but they just don't care. If this election gets turned over on Wednesday and the fash take over, it will be because Democrats let it happen and created the environment for it to happen. Not because Trump made up some shit.
I mean, stuff like a pee tape probably doesn't exist. But it's pretty obvious that Trump launders money for folks including Russian mobsters among others via real estate. Given Putin's close relationship with Russian oligarchs and mobsters, it really isn't much of a stretch to think that Putin has plenty of dirt he could blackmail Trump with. Yes, a lot of Russiagate is just libs coming up with crazy connection but the core of it - that Trump has illegal business dealings that open him up to blackmail - is I think 100% legit.
Right but that likely happens with any large real estate investor too. Because that's how you make more money at it. Selling your properties as investments for foreign dignitaries, officials, crime lords, etc isn't only Trump. And Biden's family definitely is involved in their own game of corrupt behavior. Hell, pretty much all of congress regularly participates in insider trading. Corrupt people shouldn't be president but they always have been and will be until something changes.
The point isn't that Trump is a good guy who's got a tough rap from the libs. The point is that with Trump its the end of the fucking world, democracy is dead because of him and his actions. When this kind of shit happens and has happened all throughout American history. Because the real problem isn't a few corrupt people. It's the system. So when people lay the death of US democracy at the feet of Trump and his corruption, I cannot abide. Not because I love Trump or am trying to be contrarian to libs. But because nobody who cares about this stuff seems to have a memory past last year. And they certainly don't remember all the times in US history this shit happens yet we continue on. They have to believe Trump is an anomaly. I'm not accusing you of that, just trying to give context as to why I'm pushing back on this.
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What does any of this have to do with Russia "hacking the election?" That was the claim by Liberals, which is identical to the claim Trump is levying against the Democrats - but it is China this time.
Trump's suspicious dealings in Russia was not evidence of electoral fraud. Biden's suspicious dealings in Ukraine & China is not evidence of electoral fraud.
Liberals have no moral high-ground when it comes to manufacturing mass outrage to delegitimize an election.
You're right, part of why you have to be specific when talking about Russiagate. Yes, the whole "Russia hacked the election with facebook memes" was bullshit. But I always included Trump's obvious illegal activity to be a part of Russiagate.
Most of what you're saying is true, but it absolutely is a fascist talking point to say what the GOP is trying to do right now is anything similar to what the Democrats did with Russiagate. Russiagate was mostly made up (there are some legitimate questions about his business dealings there but nothing to justify MSNBC's QAnon-tier coverage of it), but Democrats did not use Russiagate to try to overturn the results of the 2016 election. Hell, they mostly used it so their authors and TV personalities could make a quick buck. At absolute worst, they called for Trump's impeachment which would still keep the GOP in power. Impeachment is not a coup attempt. At no point did they seriously attempt to overturn the 2016 election or seize power without an electoral mandate. And I will fully admit the Ukraine stuff is probably a load of horse shit the Democrats pulled out of their asses to impeach Trump.
The GOP is not using tools given to them by the Democrats. Investigations and impeachment did not start with Russiagate and will not end with whatever the GOP is doing now. Heck, the GOP already used impeachment as a political tool in the 1990s; to say that they can only use impeachment after 2022 because of Ukraine is just out of step with history. Hillary Clinton is not the first person to declare the opposing party's president as illegitimate. Heck, the GOP spent years painting Obama as illegitimate over the birth certificate. We can agree the Democrats are shit without pretending that they're the reason the GOP has gone full fascist.
The GOP in 2020 is outwardly saying "OVERTURN THE ELECTION!" They are engaging in what is probably the most significant attack on what little democracy the USA has since Reconstruction. This is orders of magnitude greater than anything the Democrats have done.
I'm not pretending. Democrats are the reason there's no viable choice to full fascism and they participated heavily in letting the right drag the Overton Window towards fascism. If you don't use your political power to provide an alternative to a growing fascist movement, and in some ways enable it, then you're complicit.
2000, 2004 in recent history. We haven't had legitimate elections in a while. Those were completely stolen elections. And then Pelosi chose not to impeach Bush over Iraq. Then Obama decided not to charge the Bush admin and actually sympathized with Bush, according to Obama's book. Because they failed to act the Republicans got away with it and were emboldened.
Let me drive the point home to you. The day after the 2016 election Hillary and her people had a meeting on what do next. Before the Mueller Report, before any investigations into sketchy business dealings, before the Senate report on the hacking, they decided the narrative would be that Russia helped Trump steal the election. So they came to a conclusion based on little information and then decided to come up with the actual evidence later. Why do democrats get to do it and it's shitty but not the end of the world. But when Republicans do it it's an attack on democracy? It was an attack on Democracy when Democrats did it too. That's the point. They get to do shit and people apologize for it because Republicans are worse. And we're supposed to live in a world where Democrats do this stuff and then the underhanded cheating party running against them is supposed to not do it. What do you expect?
I agree with this. The Democrats are feckless losers who will let the GOP walk all over them. Nothing in my previous post suggests I believe otherwise.
I agree with this. The Democrats are feckless losers who will let the GOP walk all over them. Nothing in my previous post suggests I believe otherwise.
Hillary Clinton and her people were private citizens with basically no hard political power who went on an extended cope bender and spent a couple years grifting for their TV shows and book circuits. They exaggerated stuff about Russiagate/Ukraine in order to paint the Trump presidency as illegitimate (and, to be fair, top Trump Admin officials let the Democrats do the investigation and one Republican senator literally voted to convict him). Even if the Democrats accomplished everything they set out for, all that would have happened is Trump being replaced by Pence, another Republican. At no point did they declare the GOP illegitimate or try to remove them from power other than at the ballot box. That is not comparable to a sitting president actively calling election officials to falsify numbers to keep a party that won the election out of power and a party that lost the election in power.
I don't know what you're trying to say here. If you think the GOP is only engaging in fascist tactics because the Democrats do the same thing, I do not agree and the evidence does not hold up. If you think the GOP is engaging in fascist tactics because they're a fascist party that outright hates democracy and the Democrats are too feckless to stand up to them, I agree with that. That's fairly obvious.
i pretty much agree with you; liberalism is the fertile soil in which fascism grows.
doing the right thing halfway(charitably), being halfway(again, very charitabiy) or selectively decent, requires a lot of blindness and shittiness and awfulness that are exactly the precursors of fascism. and a fundamental acceptance of fascism. it's why libs, while sometimes the enemy of my enemy, are never ever ever friends.
Oh no, I'm not saying Hillary stole the election lol, sorry if that wasn't clear, I'm saying the right SAID she did. i'll put some quotation marks around it lol