We did it, we achieved communism

  • LeninsRage [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Every lib who was being histrionic about him refusing to leave and how bad it would be to have the army remove him forcibly can shut up now

    This was always how it was going to end, because at heart he is a coward

    • Tatoes [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      We were like half an hour away from 1/3 of our government being massacred on live TV by small business shitheads and would-be school shooters...

      ....but sure let's all lolololol at the libs who haven't read State and Revolution who think seeing a burgeoning fascist movement of deranged Red Hats attempt their first run at violently seizing power in an autogolpe might actually be a bad thing.

      I swear, some of you people have been so irony poisoned that you will be lololol'ing and uhmmm ackshually-ing all the way up until the point you and your family are being herded into cattle cars.

      Your glib sense of detachment isn't productive. 1/6 was a radicalizing moment in our history and you're actively pushing away libs who are more sympathetic than ever to your cause. I promise you the hard-right is using their insurrection as a rallying cry to gain more sympathizers. So snap out of it.

      • LeninsRage [he/him]
        4 years ago

        1/6 was a radicalizing moment in our history and you’re actively pushing away libs who are more sympathetic than ever to your cause.

        Yeah and it was very rapidly appropriated by the liberal establishment for their own purposes, mostly to justify their increasingly cozy relationship they have with the mainstream media and national security surveillance state apparatus. The CHUD riot in itself was far, far less of a threat than what the liberals are now intending to carry out with large public support. The focus of outrage has successfully been narrowed to the spectacle of hooting swine parading around not knowing what to do, rather than where it should rightfully reside - the severe dichotomy of police preparation and response contrasted with how they treat protests like BLM.

        Claiming the CHUD riot was an existentially threatening moment when it in itself was not is playing right into the liberals' agenda. But I wasn't even referring to that, I was referring to media talking heads on cable news endlessly bloviating for months about how if Trump just refused to leave the White House it would cause irrevocable damage to our "precious norms". As if he wouldn't just fold like the coward he is or the apparatus of state becomes paralyzed with inaction because some fat idiot won't move his ass.

        These arguments have rapidly become tiresome.

        • Tatoes [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          You're so reflexively upset with liberalism that you are choosing to ignore the rising fascist threat. It is perfectly possible to critique the police response to leftist causes with their response/complicity with a fascist putsch.

          "I was referring to media talking heads on cable news endlessly bloviating for months about how if Trump just refused to leave the White House it would cause irrevocable damage"

          He literally gave a speech to fascists and directed them to attack the one branch of government where he does not exert total control. He did not slither away in the night. He tried (and failed) to hold on to power via non-democratic means. That's objectively bad. It only failed because he's incompetent and relied on cosplay warriors and shithead militia members and thumb-faced cops. Just because they didn't have a long-term plan to set up a provisional government and control the media airwaves doesn't mean they didn't attempt an autogolpe.

          These arguments are only tiring because you have convinced yourself that the lack of sophistication on the hard-right somehow de-legitimizes the very real and immediate threat they pose.

          • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
            4 years ago

            This is a bit of a strawman. I don't recall anybody claiming that these people aren't dangerous. The consensus around here has been that they pose no threat to the state. They're a pack of bloodthirsty fanatics with a body count, after all. Of course they're dangerous.

            The Left has been hollaring from the rooftops that Liberalism's inability to deal with the crises of Capitalism will lead us straight to Fascism. The Liberals - particularly those positioned most closely around the state - have failed to heed our warnings time and time again in spite of increasing levels of Fascist violence carried out against minorities and the Left.

            Now, all of a sudden, once that violence is focused on the Liberal institutions of the state instead of strangers from the poorer side of town, panic ensues. And the state media is fanning the flames of that panic in an effort to exercise emergency powers for an emergency which - as far as they're concerned - came out of nowhere and was not an emergency yesterday despite the warning signs we've been pointing to for years.

            As communists it is our job to be the adults in the room. It is our job to make sure that the correct lessons are learned from the events unfolding around us, not to feed into a hysteria which is clearly being leveraged to make the police state even more omnipotent and powerful.

            To paraphrase the BLM movement, they have been telling people "these fucking cops are racists and can't be trusted" all year. Naturally it fell on deaf ears. Calls for abolition in the streets morphed into calls to defund in the NGOs, which then morphed into calls for reform in the media, and ultimately materialized as complete inaction in the deeds of even the most "progressive" politicians.

            Then on the 6th, racist untrustworthy cops acted racist and untrustworthy and instead of standing here with our jaws open shitting our pants, we're saying "I told you so."

            People should listen to us more.

            • Tatoes [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              I agree with most of this, but I take exception to this:

              The consensus around here has been that * they pose no threat to the state*

              This clearly is no longer the case. They attacked the literal seat of state power. The bourgeois state always thinks it can contain fascists elements within its ranks up until it can't. 1/6 was alarming because it signaled that a not insignificant portion of the population is wiling to challenge the states monopoly on power in order to usher in an age of fascism and minority, undemocratic rule. It was a clear escalation. That's not something that we on the left should brush off as being insignificant. It's an important mile-marker. If anything, it should signal to us on the left the fierce urgency of now. So yes, while we have been screaming about state abuse of power over minority communities for a long time and the pockets of fascism that have always existed, we cannot dismiss when the right-wing mobilizes and ups the ante in an effort to seize total control over the entire state apparatus. If we can correctly identify the danger posed by the state when they abuse the institutions of repression they have at their disposal, then we should be even more alarmed when blood-lust fascists seek to seize those institutions with the express intent of expanding those repressive forces.

    • Moosegender [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Did u miss the part where they had to contain a chud uprising first? Not to mention Trump exhausting every fucking legal means to steal the election?

        • Moosegender [he/him]
          4 years ago

          “Trumps rhetoric catching up with him” is a strange way of saying the culmination of a fascist signaling his base to overturn the election.

          And just because the attempt was made by the dumbest bitches don’t mean it wasn’t an attempt.

        • SerLava [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Didn’t take much containing

          pretty sure they had to punch trump supporters at certain entrances to slow them down from killing democrats and Pence

      • jabrd [he/him]
        4 years ago

        exhausting every fucking legal means

        All he did was stomp his feet and demand someone do it for him

  • Grimacejoe [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    You know we're allowed to feel kind of good that the guy who was openly and proudly racist and transphobic is no longer the most powerful person in the world. We can recognize and feel good about, for one fucking second even though we think maybe some crypto-blackpilled podcasts hosts might sneer at us for it, that this new enemy is preferable to the old one because their brand is susceptible to things like shame. We could be girded by this small progress, recognize that the left is in the most advantageous position it's had in a generation, and steel ourselves for the fight ahead. We dont need anyone's permission to do that.

      • Grimacejoe [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        The conditions that made Trump viable were also the conditions that made Bernie viable. They are the conditions that radicalized the vast majority of leftists active right now.

          • Antites [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            You are right that Fascism is dependent on the support of the burgeoise and the more “acceptable” right (“centrists”). But It’s a weird way to phrase it that fascism thrives “when the left is weak”. Crisis in the capitalist system opens the door for radical movements from the left as well as the right. A rise in fascism is most often a reaction on a economic crisis brought on by the inherent contradictions capitalism creates. This crisis opens the door for socialist movements which in turn makes the burgeoise support far right movements to combat the left. sometimes it results in fascist takeover (Nazi germany, Pinochet’s Chile) and sometimes in stronger communist ando socialist positions (Russian revolution, Yugoslavia, the social democratic era of northen Europe). But I think you would be hard pressed to describe the German communist movement in the inter war period Up to the Nazi takeover, or the Chilean left as “weak” even if they lost this particular battle (with catastrophic results for the people and nations that had to live through it)

      • BigDILF [he/him,they/them]
        4 years ago

        I don't know if it needs to be that black and white. You can have a small relieved exhale while still acknowledging that we are mid-toilet bowl flush and heading toward the drain.

  • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Remember to #BelieveAllWomen unless it's that bitch, Tara Reade, who's been hired by Russia to give Trump 4 more years.

    • QuillQuote [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Say what you will about Bernie and his movement and the kind of person he is in his heart.

      I'll never forgive him for not speaking out for Tara Reade.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 years ago

    All the headlines are "Trump leaves the Whitehouse, this time for good" and all I can think of is how much those headlines might age badly in 4 years.

    • QuillQuote [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Trump not only surviving for 4 more years but running for and winning re-election is exactly what Hellworld ordered

  • QuillQuote [they/them]
    4 years ago

    You would not believe how the ghouls on npr were drooling over this whole affair

    "I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and not have to wonder what covfefe means"

  • CarlTheRedditor [he/him]
    4 years ago

    "What about the urge to just lean in, hug or give some one a kiss...Joe Biden, the most tactile of politicians."

    --Brian Williams

  • CarlTheRedditor [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Joy Reid is suddenly wondering about if friend-of-segregationist-Strom-Thurmond Joe Biden is up to the task of negotiating with Mitch McConnell. But not to worry, Kamala is there with her truncheon (emblazoned with "that little girl was me") to knock Joe back in line when the GOP is being too racist!

      • CarlTheRedditor [he/him]
        4 years ago

        She got a promotion! They gave her Chris Matthews' weekday slot.

        Also, Dr Jason Johnson (of "isle of misfit black girls" fame) has a weekend show now too!

        • Chutt_Buggins [he/him]
          4 years ago

          fucking hell, the american media landscape is even worse than I thought.

  • Infamousblt [any]
    4 years ago

    Communism is when no healthcare no house no food. Biden will accomplish these things therefore Biden is communist. Checkmate :LIB:

    • QuillQuote [they/them]
      4 years ago

      :party-blob: :floppy-parrot: :party-sicko: :party-parrot: :party-blob: