Despite it being a working class: lower middle class hobby?
Some of these dudes are shitting on their compatriots
Is gaming culture more hostile than the broader American culture towards the poor? Because I think most Americans - liberals, conservatives, and a lot of folks between those two - have pretty extreme levels of hostility towards poor people in general. I mean, Americans' reluctance towards investing in social welfare is in large part driven by hostility towards the poor.
It seems to be more prevalent in the PC community since a big part of that is showing off shiny, new, expensive hardware.
AMD 5500/5700 GPUs retail at between $200 and $400 depending on the variant (xt or not) and are within 10% of their Nvidia equivalents that run sometimes 2x the price.
Even the "progressive" forums like ResetEra or that Videogame circlejerk subreddit are often classist pieces of shit who hate poor people experiencing anything they don't think they should. I think it's because the people who inhabit online gaming communities probably play games enough to have invested a lot of time and money into the hobby, which is going skew towards certain strata of society, obviously. Unless you're into emulating retro games or soft/hard-modding consoles and don't work overtime (or have other obligations) it can be hard to play more than a couple of games a year.
Game design itself is also like capitalism purely distilled. Just look at how animals are treated in the majority of games as an example of how some of the worst ideologies get expressed in video games.
Animals in games are either pests/enemies to be exterminated or resources to be harvested. Or used in some manner at least, like as collectibles or something. It's rare that they're presented as having any intrinsic value by themselves or should be considered by the player in any way beyond utility to the player. Which is just taking the worst way that people relate to animals currently and distilling it to an even purer form.
Human relationships in games are modelled terribly. So are personal finances, etc. etc.
Now im thinlimg sandbox, but where animal populations are simulated, if you collapse certain species it starts having real effects.
All the giant spiders die cause you ki them> you start seeing swarms of giant mosquitos that disease you and important npcs
also redlettermedia is fascist
People begging for remakes to motivate them to replay a game they pretend to like is the most pathetically consumerist thing about gamers these days.
I basically agree with what the others have said, US is a deeply classist society and the people in most online gaming communities are yanks, coupled with PC gaming culture being especially shitty and prone to financial gatekeeping.
aren't most video games about beating (even killing) your opponents (other players/computer)? It's about competition and coming out on top, not surprising the gaming community is full of assholes.
What others said, but also those on reddit aren't median gamers. GTX3080s dont grow on trees.