It's not that he's wrong or cynical or the wrong kind of doomerpilled or whatever

It's just that he's pointing out problems without offering anything better. Criticizing people for being mad online but even admitting no real other solutions exist.

I really don't know what to do about that besides stay mad. :(


Matt is Bashir and we're all Rom in desperate need of a Chief O'Brien to help up bridge that gap between good theory and good practice.

I am not sober right now.

  • different_eli [any]
    3 years ago

    I think listening to CushVlog, really helped him become my favorite chapo since his "antho-political" analysis is almost always on point. As previously I may have seen him as the "Bernie Bro" who makes too many 'I'm out of spoons' jokes. Altho in the past year when Will lets him go on a statue yelling rant one has been able to see the deep analysis come through that I would suppose cause such anger. Him yelling at the to listeners to go and fucking do something like join your local DSA is actually the reason I joined my local rural DSA. (I wouldn't have otherwise because I'm an anarchist, and DSA is way too bureaucratic and not consensus based enough for me. But it turns out just to be full of MLs because when you are rural you have to be pragmatic)