Lol imagine if you've spent $13k on a bottle of wine by accident and your worst nightmare is that people on twitter are mad at you. Eat the rich.

  • TossedAccount [he/him]
    4 years ago

    If I were sold a bottle of wine and they said only after I drank it, "Surprise! You owe us $13k.", I'd be furious. But that's because $13k is a ludicrous amount of money to charge for a single bottle of wine and no one who isn't bourgie as fuck can afford that shit.

    • AluminiumXmasTrees [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I actually know about wine, despite being from a poor family, because my mom came from a "well to do" English family and one thing I have been taught by every wine person I've ever spoken to is that the "stunt priced wines" as they called them, (basically any wine that's priced above $5,000 and on a restaurant wine menu regularly) is there for people who don't know anything about wine but they have the money to pretend they do. John Legend and Chrissy Teigan seem definite wine snob poseurs. (Also I've never heard of a wine recc that doesn't make the price of the bottle clear, so I don't actually believe this story).

      Any wines that are actually worth that kind of money you know about because either it's a limited harvest, or there's a specific flavour to the grapes that season, or similar reasons. The price is still Goddamn ridiculous but there are usually stupid bougie reasons.

      And as proof that this wine stuff is nonsense, my grandfathers wine collection is insured for close to £350k. He has wines he acquired during the second war (I really wonder about who he was buying French wine from during 1942 but that's beside the point except giving you some idea of my grandfathers moral compass) and wines he inherited from his great grandfather... And the wine he drinks for enjoyment in private is a £15 bottle from Lidl

      Anyone wondering, no I am not in line for any inheretence as I am still related to my father who is "common" and thus I am not included in anything with that side of the family. I guess I have dirty genes.

      • BoxedFenders [any, comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        I can't wait until a zoomer inherits these bottles that have been hoarded for multiple generations and sells them all for Supreme merch and rare Jordans.

      • Pezevenk [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Anyone wondering, no I am not in line for any inheretence as I am still related to my father who is “common” and thus I am not included in anything with that side of the family. I guess I have dirty genes.

        What even is your family lmao this sounds like something out of a movie

        • AluminiumXmasTrees [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Well that was intended as an exaggerated joke about how dumb and bougie they are, I didn't think anyone would take that seriously honestly - but Ffor real - I'm not in line because my mother chose to emancipate herself and specifically asked to be disinherited. She's no longer part of the line and doesn't want to be. For the record, I agree with her decision. They are truly horrible people.

          My mum's Dad's side are very old English rich people. Not "in line for the throne" or "aristocracy" rich but they have a large house, a coat of arms, a horse, fox hunting meetings and so on. They're obsessed with their historic position as a family and their current position in "society". I would class them as bougie snobs who aren't as rich as they want people to think, aren't as significant as they themselves think (like my cousin legitimately thinks that her last name and their instagram with 2,000 followers makes her "a celebrity" for instance even though no one has ever heard of the family outside of her circles) and who basically spend their entire lives obsessing over things they think make them look a certain way.

          If you want Dm me and I'll send you the coat of arms and other details if you're curious about it. I'd rather not openly dox myself publicly but I don't mind sharing it with people. I don't have a lot to do with them (and never have), they abused my mother and treated my aunt like she was heaven sent.

          • mxnoodles [she/her]
            4 years ago

            This anecdote kind of reminds me of what I’ve heard about that kind of “house-rich money-poor” remnant of English aristocracy, that a bunch of them have been running up against financial problems and have to do shit like open their castles to the public for tours, run a bed and breakfast out of their country house, etc. I pray for your family’s sake that they never have to suffer the indignity of getting a real job.

            • AluminiumXmasTrees [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Yeah I don't have enough contact with them to know if they've been forced to do that yet but their attitude towards people who work in service jobs is fucking abhorrent. At my mums 40th, my aunt drank too much and went on a horrible rant about the people working at the restaurant and how "disgusting" she found the wait staff in particular. They have nothing but contempt for anyone who works or doesn't have as much money as they do. That includes my mother and our family.

              So the idea of them being forced to join the workforce and get real 9 to 5 jobs would be fucking amazing. My cousin used to go to fast food joints and Treat the staff like absolute shit with her friends and laugh at them for, you know, doing their jobs. She's an absolute fucking ghoul but of the dumbest kind.

          • Pezevenk [he/him]
            4 years ago

            a coat of arms, a horse, fox hunting meetings and so on

            Lmao I didn't know these people still exist... That's wild...

      • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Best glass of wine I ever had was from a $350 bottle. My wine nerd friend who gave it to me said “yeah anything much more than this is probably hyped up crap for rich assholes to show off with”.

        • AluminiumXmasTrees [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Yep, exactly what I would say and what I've always been told by the bougie side of my family. Thats also why there's a big market price gap between $400 and $1000+ you always see a jump from around 300 and something to over a grand on nearly every wine list.

          Also I'm not kidding about Lidl wines by the way, they're genuinely fantastic wines with a huge following among the wine community. Worth tracking down if you like wine.

          Feels very weird to talk about my moms bougie family and their interests on chapo, even if it is about how fucking stupid and shallow they are.

          • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
            4 years ago

            I have worked in the wine industry in the past, in both sales and production. Wine making is blue collar as fuck. It is hilarious what snobs will make out of a bottle of wine. Meanwhile the dude who made it wears a straw hat and carhart overalls. Lots of shit is held together with duct tape or baling wire, or some combination of the two, and a prayer to whatever god or gods you think will help it last one more season before needing to be replaced.

            • modsarefascist [he/him]
              4 years ago

              and a prayer to whatever god or gods you think will help it last one more season before needing to be replaced.

              I mean if you were with people actually praying to the gods while making wine then that sounds kinda cool. any cool bacchus/dionysus festival stories?

              • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
                4 years ago

                Unfortunately no, but we did sit around drinking wine after the harvest relaxing in the cooling late summer air, which was a fine way to cap off a long day's work that started before dawn.

      • Mardoniush [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Yeah, anything over $200 a bottle is probably not worth the price tag as a dinner wine. And frankly anything other than the house wine is going to be decent at any place worth the price.

        Like, it's going to be good, maybe better than the cheaper stuff, but if you're dropping $400 on a bottle you're showing off and nothing else.

        • john_browns_beard [he/him, comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          I love craft beer and regularly shell out close to $20 for a 4 pack (of 16oz cans), but my favorite wines are a local blueberry wine that's like $10/bottle and a blackberry syrah that's $15. They are delicious and will put you on your ass quickly if that's your goal.

        • AluminiumXmasTrees [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Yeah I nearly mentioned that aspect as well - but again, it's a specific reason that you know about that "supposedly" "justifies" the cost.

          Whereas here it's literally going to be a standard "snob trap" wine.

    • _else [she/her,they/them]
      4 years ago

      the correct answer is not to argue. that would be rude. the correct answer is to dismiss yourself to the restroom and skip out on the bill. if they want to pull shit, you can do the same.