They just sit there and have a boring ass story for everything you say and are totally oblivious to everyone's screaming disinterest.
just collect enough trauma that every story about your past makes people cry, especially when told like a boring story with detached disinterest.
I like people talking about their dogs, mostly because I so much want to have one but I want to wait until I have a garden (if it ever happens).
As for what people are currently reading, that's never not interesting honestly.
If you're worried that you're this person, and you have general concern for others around you, you so fucking aren't this person.
this type of guy is valuable during a smoke sess. having someone to just rattle on and on about something while you chill there half listening to them half to music is so comforting
I work with a guy who will unprompted, tell me he's gonna do laundry when he gets home. like damn dude really?
They are completely oblivious of everyone around them but in a harmless way and I find that very funny.
It's funny to the point that I know dudes like this who you could drop unscripted into a sitcom and they would fit in perfectly.
All my stories aren't good for polite company, that's why all my stories that I actually tell are boring
Noory is such a fucking trash man and that video is the hardest I've laughed all week