Fuck every cop that did their job

  • Leonadas445 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I think downplaying what happened is a bit cold hearted and not the left I’m used to. Remeber AoC was questioning whether she was going to be able to get the chance to have children.

    Some on the left seem to want to downplay fascism or reactionary threats lately just to shit on liberals and Democrats.Wrong tactic in a time of rising bigotry and right-wing conscious

    The true right is finally rearing it’s head in America and some people on this forum continue to only want to shit-post about liberals, Jesus Christ

      • Leonadas445 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Seems like you leave little room for nuance in your analysis of people. I also find it bizarre a supposed leftist has such a cold hearted response to a young progressive politician scared for her life. People like AOC aren’t idealized leftists, but they are the best we have for now.

        The people who entered the capital were fascists looking for blood and mayhem. We shouldn’t be showing them sympathy or downplaying them. These are fascists and they are the new face of the Republican Party. They deserve derision and scorn. Leftists are anti-fascist period. We don’t ally with them just because they have revolutionary ambitions like we do

    • Tatoes [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      The true right is finally resting it’s head in America and some people on this forum continue to only want to shit-post about liberals, Jesus christ

      This is one of the primary reasons why I don't even bother coming here anymore. Some of the people in this board still think it's the Obama years, which requires them to completely ignore the rising tide of rightwing thought that has swept the country

      • Leonadas445 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I like it here, but i also think anti-fascism is just an important part of the left as anything else. I’m a white dude, but I’m also a drug addict and mentally ill. I wouldn’t last long in a fascist regime. Meaning I know what it’s like to be othered and not some spoiled upper middle class Wasp kid