Fuck every cop that did their job

  • Catiline [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Their objective was to force legislators to overrule the counting of the vote . They wanted to force Pence to ignore the votes by threatening to execute him. It may not have been a good plan, but it was a plan. The hard-right does not need the same level of strategic planning to hold on to power as the left needs to seize power. They don’t need to seize airwaves or infrastructure because they were simply attempting to hold on to power.

    It was a physically impossible plan that failed miserably at the first hurdle, and there's absolutely no valuable utility in portraying members of organs responsible for abetting and enforcing far-right nationalism and capitalist hegemony as heroically preventing a fascist coup.

    So, uhh…having a hard time hearing your criticisms of revolutionary action and taking it seriously, especially when that criticism involves downplaying the threat of (dis)organized right-wing violence.

    Having a hard time taking you seriously as a person after reveling in calling me, a (half) black person, a 'white kid' and claiming you could 'smell my whiteness' after lodging issue with your absurd narrative and lionizing of the governmental organs responsible for untold oppression on people who look like me, then shrugging it off with 'I'm hispanic, whatever.'

    And my post history is not liberal apologia…in fact, the only time I ever come around these boards anymore is when I am concerned about the fascist apologia that is radiating from members who claim to be left who want to hand-wave away growing fascist violence.

    Where's all your posts bringing attention to the underreported lynchings of black men in the wake of the George Floyd protests? Or the executions of demonstrators after Ferguson? Or do all the theatrics only come out to lament the 'threat' posed to the imperialist superpower and it's government?

    • Tatoes [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      It was a physically impossible plan that failed miserably at the first hurdle

      This is irrelevant. They still had a plan. It failed. Hence it was a failed autogolpe. History is littered with failed seizures of power, and they are often followed up with successful seizures of power if not properly addressed.

      and there’s absolutely no valuable utility in portraying members of organs responsible for abetting and enforcing far-right nationalism and capitalist hegemony as heroically preventing a fascist coup.

      Even within your own language you use the term fascist coup. That should be a tell. You can be opposed to fascism and also be opposed to the policing

      Having a hard time taking you seriously as a person after reveling in calling me, a (half) black person, a ‘white kid’ and claiming you could ‘smell my whiteness’ ....

      Look, I have no idea what you look like, and I don't really care. All I know is that you seem to be downplaying the threat of white-nationalist violence and equating it with meaningless temper tantrums for some reason. Fine. Whatever. You can downplay it if you want, but I'm not about to make that mistake.

      Where’s all your posts bringing attention to the underreported lynchings of black men in the wake of the George Floyd protests? Or the executions of demonstrators after Ferguson? Or do all the theatrics only come out to lament the ‘threat’ posed to the imperialist superpower and it’s government?

      Seriously, dude? Is your knock on me that I don't post enough? Is my posting volume not up to your standards? Have I not logged enough posts to be taken seriously? My very first response that set off this entire shit-show chain of events I acknowledge and oppose how policing is a form of enforcing the interests of capital and white supremacy. But I guess I'm sorry if I don't have chapo receipts from events that happened before this website was even online.