• Posadas [he/him, they/them]
      4 years ago

      Don't you get it! We finally get to see all the bad guys wearing the turbans Snyder picked out. We also get a nice short 1:30 hour speech by Batman on how foreigners are a threat to "us" and how only the strong against us are capable of overcoming (((them))) and we should all be grateful for, and come to worship the Übermensch.

      • Pezevenk [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I think no one above or below a certain age is excited about this.

    • Uncle [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I am actually kind of excited for this. Man of Steel and BvS were spectacularly bad in fascinating ways. Zack Snyder despises the concept of Superman, his contempt drips from every ham-fisted scene. The purpose of this series was to deconstruct and destroy the character, creating a version of Superman that Ayn Rand would approve of. I need to see the conclusion. I am transfixed, I cannot look away.

    • Magjee [any]
      4 years ago


      It's a homage to Seven Samurai


      It's not uncommon to reference Kurosawa, he has been very influential on cinema

      Seven Samurai's style is referenced all over Western Movies (I mean Cowboy Western, not the geographical Western )

        • Magjee [any]
          4 years ago


          Can thank Star Wars for that, they made a Western in Space

          Much like the wild romps of Spaghetti Westerns

          • Phish [he/him, any]
            4 years ago

            I'm pretty sure there's an episode of the Mandalorian where they essentially do seven samurai.

              • Magjee [any]
                4 years ago

                Original trilogy for all three movies

    • FidelCashflow [he/him]
      4 years ago

      That would require a level of creative power I don't know that we can justify a modern factory made movie having.

      • eduardog3000 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I get that it's cool to hate on those movies, but to act like absolutely zero thought or creativity goes into them is kind of dumb. It's not like someone was pouring through old movie posters trying to find a good one to rip off for an alternate poster. They purposefully referenced Seven Samurai.

        And if you google it, it turns out it's actually fanart, which means someone made this unpaid out of admiration for both movies.

        • FidelCashflow [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Plenty of thought goes into it. It isn't artless. It is just a specific kinda art

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      4 years ago

      I'm all for a good "Capitalism Breeds Innovation" zinger, but anything by Zack Snyder is comically low-hanging fruit.

      Huge fan of the Samurai Seven anime, and that was a direct rip-off, but also really good.

    • Pezevenk [he/him]
      4 years ago

      There's like a thousand remakes of seven samurai BTW and none of them are called seven samurai or have anything to do with samurai.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Your honor, if you take away our right to steal ideas where are they gonna come from‽

    • Audeamus [any]
      4 years ago

      If you stand at a slightly different angle you can see the 7th one, but then the 1st disappears. It's like a rock garden.

  • Grownbravy [they/them]
    4 years ago

    They could stand a chance to make a decent movie if they blatantly rip off a better director

  • Notcontenttobequiet [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I've never actually seen Hidden Fortress, but I believe George Lucas basically ripped off the plot for Star Wars.

    • Pezevenk [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yeah it's basically the same plot. Tbh Hidden Fortress is not one of Kurosawa's best imo and sometimes it is dated but imo it's more enjoyable then ANH.

      Side note: I didn't grow up with Star Wars or whatever and I'm an old guard zoomer (semizoomer? Boomer zoomer?) so I never really had any connection with Star Wars and when I finally watched them, I thought they all kinda sucked except maybe ESB which didn't suck but wasn't great either. Not sure if it's just me or if most of the steam behind them was due to nostalgia and them being important at the time, they just seem really dated.

      • MichoganGayFrog [they/them]
        4 years ago

        Imagine the first one completely in a vaccuum. Low budget late 70s movie, ignore sequels prequels or whatever. If you take it that way the movie is one of the silliest things ever and it rules because of that. "Only a master of evil, Darth."

        • Pezevenk [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Yeah the first one in a vacuum seemed to me like a TV movie. Decent for TV I guess but eh. ROTJ was really bad for me, I didn't even watch it to the end.

          • ssjmarx [he/him]
            4 years ago

            See, it doesn't work unless you live in 1977 and the only movies you've seen are the ones that have been released up to that point. The movie was a landmark of special effects and a breath of fresh air for the sci fi genre, which at that point was dominated by a lot of self-serious filmmaking. Star Wars was a once-in-a-century cultural phenomenon, and the entire franchise has essentially been getting by on the momentum generated by the first film.

            I don't think anybody will ever experience Star Wars the way the first people who saw it did - not just because George Lucas changed the films and buried the original version, but because the culture needs to set the tone of the release just right. Most of the fans now are people who basically got indoctrinated into it by watching it as kids.

            • Pezevenk [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Yeah that's what I figured. But generally I think that, say, Kurosawa films, while arguably even more dated in many regards, still are more interesting. Like, I've watched the Hidden Fortress twice and I would watch it again, but not really ANH. I would watch ESB again but I was also kinda disappointed because it gets hyped up as something much more than it was to me. But of course that's just my opinion and I'm sure other people may have had much different experiences.

              Generally I think that when you look back at these movies which are dated for one or the other reason, it often benefits movies which were more "intrinsically" interesting beyond them just being interesting by virtue of being novel for a certain audience.

      • Notcontenttobequiet [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I'm a millennial and I've never been a fan either. I was in school when the prequels were in theaters. I was only "into" them because my friends were. I'm pretty sure I ended up seeing all three of those awful movies in the theater. I've never been into comic book movies either, which makes me feel like a buzz kill.

    • Randomdog [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Considering that both of them are just The Hero's Journey...

  • Grimacejoe [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I honestly can’t tell if you don’t what an homage is or if you’re just pretending to be an idiot.