That is internet conservatives crying over Gina Carano getting fired. "BuT sHe gOt FiReD fOr hEr PoLitIcAl vIeWs" Yup mmmm 😭 💦 💧 😋 yes she did, your tears are soo good.
"Technically she was comparing conservatives to Jews BEFORE the holocaust, not during." BEGONE TRANSPHOBE
"Pedro Pascal did literally the same thing but worse. He compared Trump's migrant centers to concentration camps and didn't get fired!" Yup, cuz those are concentration camps.
They don't actually know anything about Weimar Germany. Their understanding of the Nazis has been filtered through like eight layers of movie tropes and self-referential "common knowledge".
My favorite part is the people who were losing their shit that they put a woman in the Star Wars (“noooo muh forced diversity! She’s a Mary Sue noooo”) are the ones who are now furious that they fired a woman from the Star Wars.
How much do you want to bet that they also whined about "forced diversity" when she was first introduced in the show?
Requiring a license plate for my golf cart is the same thing as forcing jews to wear yellow stars
they like firing people for political views
im sure they're also whining about NJR lmao
I can’t wait for the free speech warrior contrarians to complain about how this could hurt the left, as if the right gets hit by censorship nearly as badly as the left does
Hating any franchise is a cultural affectation just to make you feel smug and above others.
yeah man, someone finally said it, im sick on ppl shitting on Hamilton