It's cargo pants, Michael, how much could it cost? $2500?
Am I crazy to think $70 pants are still stupid expensive? Or is the arrow pointing to the custom cock ring the guy wears all day that heightens his “business sense”
damn I was just about to make the same joke lol. "That dick cost 70 dollars? Must hit good"
I love all the fashion subreddits. I'm looking for a budget shirt. Most I can spend is $120, do any options exist for me?
They're definitely making fun of their nephew, buy I love that the artist is just so disconnected to reality that they can't even make up fake prices that sound plausible. $2500 cargo pants and a $65 watch? What?
I’ve seen cargo pants go for 1500. I know some people who own them.
I’m sure I could find something higher that is more one off but I can’t imagine anyone buying those outside of art snobs. Acronym fits in the flexing power of 2016 streetwear enough you see it mixed into collections.
Lmao. Those first pants look like shit. Anyone who owns these deserves to play Minecraft with me if you know what I mean.
When you wanna look like Trump when he needs his diaper changed
cargo pants armani edition
Maybe I don't have enough fashion sense, but looks to me like they want people to pay over $1500 to look like ass
Casio F-91W is the peak of watches (although it takes white privilege to not get sent to Guantanamo for wearing it).
There's also the idea of class as a taste distinction: ‘Taste, a class culture turned into nature, that is, embodied, helps to shape the class body. It follows that the body is the most indisputable materialization of class taste’ (Bourdieu, 1984)
Not to justify whatever the author intends, but if there is substance there, it is part of a class critique
Don't forget how fashion industry takes the styles of working class and marginalized people and turn it to profits after decades of deriding it as tasteless.
Taste, a class culture turned into nature, that is, embodied, helps to shape the class body. It follows that the body is the most indisputable materialization of class taste
Please rephrase this on the level of a dum dum for me
I think Bourdieu (a famously obscure French "postmodern" writer) is basically saying that class can physically manifest itself in the body, and that taste is fundamentally a class value. It's from a book that I didn't read(!) called Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste which is supposedly about how distinguishing your taste is a form of distinguishing your class. For me this idea is important because it leads to today's liberal aesthetics of posturing while doing nothing in practice.
In general my point with the comic is that even if we take it at face value (poor people make bad clothing decisions and are therefore immoral and stupid), then poor people only do this because of proletarian culture, which today is obviously co-opted by consumer society from its inception, even created to be simply a target market, sold to and commodified; therefore it is not immoral or stupid at all to fit in with your peers, it could be socially mandated. Of course, the comic is dumb and Bourdieu's idea becomes confusing and breaks down when all the bougie elites read his book and decide that understanding proletarian culture is also a form of upper class distinction (which fits right in with liberal multiculturalism) but I think the idea is still very helpful.
The guy on the left lives in an apartment and walks around on the street, the guy on the right lives on 1000 acres of private land and strangers are never allowed within 100ft of him unless he gives his express permission.
Each thread is spun from the dried blood of virgins and it's the softest fabric known in Heaven or Earth tho
or watches or sunglasses or jewelry.
we all know how Omega famously advertises their $20,000 watches in Southeast DC because their target demographic is "people in rent controlled housing working 3 jobs".
"Poor" person in this image:
Phone: $600
Watch: $65
Headphones: $1200 (must be an audiophile)Total for a decent phone, decent watch, and hobbyist headphones : $1865
Time before he replaces those with something newer: at least 3-5 yearsReal rich person:
iPhone 12 Pro Max (512 GB): $1400
Apple Watch Series 6 (Titanium with Stainless Steel Links, 44mm): $1250 (or some $20,000 designer mechanical shit like mentioned below)
AirPods Max: $550Total to show how rich you are: $3200 (or $21,950)
Time before he replaces those with something newer: 1 year (or if it's the mechanical watch he probably has a collection he's constantly adding to)
liberal propaganda complex
You're right in your description of why this rhetoric is bad, but the primary authors of this type of propaganda are conservatives. Libs parrot this stuff way too easily and are not nearly serious enough about the societal problems they'll superficially acknowledge, but they're generally not driving the train.
It's too common on here to get (justifiably) angry at libs, but then crank that up to where we start blaming them for everything.
Lol people think the rich people who wear very plain outfits are buying cheap clothing? hell no they only look plain
This is just liberals shaming new-money. Like when rich liberals mock people for buying mcmansions instead of contracting their own architecht. Neither of these people are poor.
why draw fucking wires if you're not even gonna put the effort to fucking have them even close to where they'd go?????
It looks like they gave the wires their own layer when they were drawing them for some reason and accidentally shifted them to the right
Unsure why they felt the cable deserved a layer to itself, though
I like how the dude on the right aint wearing socks or underpants.