I'm glad that even when we're shitposting in our secluded corner of the Internet it makes people mad.
Trots are aggressively in your face trying to get you to read newsletters and shit what are you talking about
I wonder how they’d react if you told them their server at a restaurant doesn’t owe them anything.
No, no, the people exist to serve the elites, very specifically by voting for them. You're not supposed to vote for POLICIES and shit, you're supposed to vote to prove you're a smart and good person who picked the good smart one and not the loud scary one. Expecting politicians to do things for you just because you voted for them? Crass selfish populism.
this is most likely far-right/cumtown bait and you're all biting real hard
The Divine Right of Kings is preferable to this much bootlicking
Wow, I didn't know people fantasized about Joe Biden being a submissive woman. :whywhywhywhywhy:
So who exactly does Biden owe things? Is my question to this maniac.
Probably those people he gave the promise to that nothing would fundamentally change.
fantasy submissive women
Lol, do they think we're weebs/libertarians?
lol imagine thinking we're into submissive women. we're not into in them, or fantasize about them stepping on us
Wow that copypasta looks so good I didn't even notice it was copied like ten times in thus message lol
Oh shit, I never thought about it that way. I now have no choice but to abandon communism.
They're not mad, they're sore winners. They're rubbing the Bernie supporters' faces in the dirt and calling them the politically-correct equivalent of cucks. They act like they own you if you're a lesser-evilist who actively despises said lesser evil. And you know what? They're basically right. Lifelong harm-reductionist Dem voters are fucking losers for letting themselves be held hostage like this when escape is as simple as no longer giving a shit whether Red Team or Blue Team wins and voting for independent third party socialist candidates when possible.
That poster is kinda right. All places like this community do is whine and malign and demonize and criticize Democrats but in the next breath feign constituency.
If Flint and Texas are any indication, start planning around self-reliance for our shared, bleak future.