Each upvote should release a metric ton of CO2 into the atmosphere.
gender reveal parties but they just release industrial amounts of methane
bit idea: explaining class hegemony to r*dditors by saying "What if Jarf Zukerbesos could upvote / downvote posts infinitely many times? What if he could hire an army of people to up / downvote posts according to his will, therefore taking complete ownership of the discourse?"
So this is probably a WHOOSH moment, but /r/cryptocurrency literally already did that. It's called MOONS, and it's stored in a vault on the mobile Reddit app (ew). And yeah it has exactly this effect, the whole subreddit is now just flooded with nonsense in a desperate attempt to collect a functionally worthless cryptocurrency.
I actually had no idea this existed. What a great use of resources lol
reddit never fails to be even more disappointing than my most cynical predictions.
Getting a letter from the IRS because I've been posting too hard.
It will now take 10 minutes to upvote a post. And another 10 to un-upvote it when they edit their post.
Each post is represented by an NFT and we have a market where, if you own the NFT, your name is attributed to the post. See a post getting a bunch of upbears? Buy it! Open up the DMs to potential sponsors so that the sponsors can scope out post owners who have many popular posts that match with their style. Underneath every popular post will be a slew of 3 or 4 advertisements.
Every thread should be converted into a non-fungible token.
Even reddit figured out this was a bad idea and ditched their "reddit notes" cryptocurrency before implementation. I'm sure there is some voat style site already doing this unironically but I choose to live in blissful ignorance.