swear to god if i have to listen to how corona was made in a lab and how the gays are bad one more time im jumping into a meat grinder
My parents told me that they will no longer speak with me after I did not receive the nomination for vice presidente de estadios unidos. I miss them.
I feel you. My dad and I don't talk much, either. He thinks I cynically employed our heritage to earn cheap political points during the primary. Well, it looks like it worked, didn't it, DAD?
I just came to a realisation that my parents' political views are those of infants.
They don't care about anything unless it directly touches them. Masks? Oppression of freedom. Climate Change? Don't care lol, sounds kinda fake tbh.
Mine is fine. I talk to my parents once a month and my sister twice a year.
That's plenty of contact.
Idk. My family is a "fuck you I got mine" Mexican family. I'd like to think some people out there have good families.
everyone in my family is shamelessly racist, really deep into QAnon, and they think they will bring christ back into my life by sending me infographics about Soros and bringing me to their church meetings to hear old men talk about Bush wasn’t brutal enough in the Middle East and how Trump is going to launch a holy war to annihilate Islam once and for all.
my stepdad literally thinks every black person who walks by the house is an Antifa scout and sits in the living room muttering to himself about Soros getting arrested. he’s really fucked up in the head due to a series of workplace accidents back in the day and is incredibly paranoid and violent, and i’m worried its only a matter of time before we can’t restrain him and he attacks a black neighbor walking their dog or something.
Grandma just called me, said she had a research question.
"Do you think, given how good you are with computers, that you could research and find a wealthy person with a good heart who could lead us out of this mess we're all in?"
I'm paraphrasing, of course, but this is reeeeeally close to what she said. When I tried to explain that the close link between inherited wealth, the profit motive, and social standing within modern capitalism would virtually disallow this hypothetical individual to exist, she basically said "ok, but what if they did exist."
I started explaining that even if, somehow, a person made it through the social pressures of being raised by wealthy elites and being surrounded during their formative years by wealthy elites and being indoctrinated into the belief systems of wealthy elites (e.g. wealth is inherited, wealth is deserved, growth is hypothetically infinite, poverty is a choice etc etc) and made it to the other side with a healthy sense of crippling existential guilt over their privilege and the blood money they inherited, that even then they would have to contend with the class pressures associated with taking inherited wealth and turning it against the interests of the class.
But by the time i get this far, my grandma's pseudobulber affect starts, well, affecting her. She can't remember what I started with. She goes back to her original question, this time with an example: "See, there's a man from history named (jfc end me now) DALE CARNEGIE, and he spent his life and wealth building hospitals/schools/libraries. Aren't there any people like that anymore?"
So I start explaining that Dale Carnegie's inherited wealth came from the functional enslavement of chinese immigrants who built the American railroad network and that though it may seem that Andrew Carnegie's son was acting out of a sense of guilt, it is only the results of this "guilt" that would count as any form of absolution, and the results of the philanthropy of the Carnegie family has always gone to further entrench the prestige and social adulation of white, upper-class men and their projects in government.
But I'm an idiot. Pseudobulber. She can't hold the whole concept in her head at once without getting confused. And now she is confused. It doesn't help that her hearing aids aren't great when they're up next to a telephone speaker, and she's missing one out of every three long words. And so, it comes back to her original idea, albeit in a slightly different form.
"I just think if someone with the enough wealth, and who feels enough guilt about it, and with good charisma, and their skin is a color people will like, and..."
At this moment i flip the switch, engaging the lever that opens the cage hanging above me, releasing the 13-ft Boa Constrictor I had ordered for just such an occasion.
yeah my family's pretty cool, though my sister wants to be a house-flipping gentrifier (even though she doesn't have the money or the skillset)
Mine are quite good. Although, we are lacking communication things are chill. I'm trans and I haven't come out yet, so I don't know what will happen afterwards. I'm quite optimistic though.
I'm lucky enough to have good parents. Their politics are garbage but that's it