Jeffery Epstein, a man convicted of trafficking children for sexual activities multiple times, has ties to America's political and financial elite.
A head of the CIA once said “We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
Actually, CIA director William Casey said it; Hoover was FBI director (who had his own crimes, ie COINTELPRO).
Jinping, China's leader...
Joseph, America's leader...
Also, all of the choices in Q3 are wrong unless you define "parts" to be small villages or niche communities, and "normal" to be done by a relative minority of the population.
By those standards, there are parts of the US where incest is normal.
Joseph, the paramount leader of America, was voted on by the people of America.
False. In America the paramount leader is appointed by a select group of party members called "The electoral college".
False. In America the paramount leader is appointed by a select group of party members called “The electoral college”.
Lol could you imagine how reddit would react if a Chinese school put that question on a quiz?
"NUKE THEM ALL! Ch-ng Ch-ong small penis! Hate the government, not the people.'
Nah, there are people who still eat it because its what they like to eat.
Think of it in the same sense that there are people in Florida who eat alligator, and there are alligator farms, but even in most of Florida you wouldn't necessarily call it "normal" to eat gator.
I'm here to create a new vegan struggle session, where my main point will be "we should expand the list of animals that its cool to eat". Guinea pig? roast em. Gator? great for making little fried things like calamari. Pidgeon? what are you? Anti-polish? of course we're eatin pidgeon.
all of these things are pretty normal to eat in various countries. they eat guinea pig in Ecuador (and I think Peru, maybe other parts of South America), alligator is eaten in the south-east US, squab is pigeon and that's a common game bird.
That's what I'm saying basically. My wife is from south america and she jokes that when she sees a guinea pig, she sees food. She's even mostly vegetarian. I've had alligator before and it was tasty but I probably won't have it again outside of New Orleans.
this is cartoonish levels of racism. omg wtf. I am gobsmacked
Did Donald, the president of the United States, promise the build a wall on the Mexico border during his presidential campaign?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
it is normal to cut off someone's lips if they burp in a restaurant
Well okay how loud are they burping.
Wouldn't cutting off their lips only stop them from stifling their burps in the future?
Come on racists, think about creating plausible racist narratives at least.
It's not about rehabilitation, it's deterrence. It's saying "we have a standard of politeness here and if you violate it we will cut off your lips in front of everyone else."
When I go to an American restaurant not only do I see people with lips, but I hear them.
But that would be like giving everyone convicted of a crime a permanent black mark on their record that makes them unemployable, thereby causing them to turn to more crime by necessity just to stay alive. That would be insa- oh...
This got me thinking. Did Americans attack Soviet immigrants on the streets during the cold war? Is it just because it's hard to spot a Russian?
There was a reason that Japanese Americans got put into camps during WWII while German and Italian Americans didn't.
I wonder what that reason could be :thinkin-lenin:
I think both Germans and Italians actually were put in detention during WWII
I have no idea how either of those compare to Japanese internments. I actually didn't know about either of those two phenomenons until just now
A total of 11,507 people of German ancestry were interned during the war, comprising 36.1% of the total internments under the US Justice Department's Enemy Alien Control Program.[29] By contrast, an estimated 110,000–120,000 Japanese-Americans were forcibly relocated from the West Coast and incarcerated in internment camps run by the US War Department's War Relocation Authority.[29]
Looks like the Germans and Italians were not subjected to nearly the same proportions of internment. 11k out of 1.2 million German-born Americans is a far cry from almost all of the 120k Japanese-American population.
I get that during times of war there's some necessity to investigate and detain people in your country which came from an enemy nation, but there's a difference between imprisoning 1% of the population and almost 100%.
The Americans thought it'd be prudent to investigate some Germans and detain them, but at the same time force all Japanese Americans into concentration camps.
I wonder why :thinkin-lenin:
Also, just take a look at American WW2 propaganda - how did they depict the Germans, how did they depict the Japanese? The amount of anti-asian racism is completely off the charts in the latter case, whereas the faces of the nazis in these portrayals just look like those of average homely white dudes (i'm saying this as a German myself, they just look like normal blokes i see here on the streets). They're not flattering, it's propaganda, after all, but there's none of the gross exaggeration of facial features, none of the racist stereotyping you see in the caricatures of buck-toothed, fanged, constantly grinning Hirohito that are so common in that era.
I think a not so subtle implication about question 3 is that the two "false" answers are still presented as realistic answers. Otherwise it wouldn't be a multiple choice question.
A proper multiple choice question and answer set should have like 4-5 correct answers and one of those should be more correct than the others
Fixing education means using tests as an assessment of the success of the teaching unit rather than of individual students
Funny how you could replace China with Switzerland in both questions and change nothing.
Jinping, Switzerland's leader, was voted on by the people of Switzerland
My gf just started a massage certificate, and literally her first assignment of her first class is to watch a documentary and write about how Mao destroyed traditional Chinese medicine
I love reading biography's and history books. And literally like clock work no matter what time period no matter what subject the soviet union will come up or stalin will come up. It's better now but read any historical text made before the late 90s and some historian will find a way to jam a fuck soviet union passage into their book. American propaganda must infiltrate all facets or it isn't as effective.
Awhile back I was at my family’s to visit and was watching the science channel bc there wasn’t much else to do.
The show was about some old building they found in Russia on satellite in present day or in the last 10 to 15 years or so and right in the middle of it they brought on an “ex-cia” guy to talk about the ussr and muh dictatorship for the next 7 minutes.
It had fuck all to do with what the show was initially about. It was like listening to an old man that got off on a tangent about something he hates and never returning to the original point lol
Mao destroyed traditional Chinese medicine
soulless Jeffrey Epstein collaborating scientists: "we discovered aspirin, suddenly! Maybe we should have listened to those witches we burnt at stakes haha oops"
Didn't the CCP revitalize traditional medicine in order to address shortages of modern medicines?
Yeah, he attempted to synthesize eastern and western medical systems in order to provide medical care to as many people as possible
What he "destroyed" was the for-profit quack doctor industry (which is very much alive today anyways)
Your dick not big and hard enough. Boy do I have a ground up animal for that.
Mao destroyed traditional Chinese medicine
Fucking liberals I swear to fucking good just eat shit and die already.
In my country we need this but against 'murica. There might be less gusanos that way
TRUE OR FALSE: Every year in America, government agents summarily execute almost a thousand people in the streets.