Aspiring_Dirtbag [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2020


  • I might start by distilling it down to the surrender of how little we actually know. Yes, I personally know almost nothing of the great expanse of human knowledge, but likewise humans know almost nothing of the multi-verse. The great arrogance of science and factions like the "new atheists" is believing that because they can't prove something exists, it definitely doesn't exist. Basically, we have good enough technology now that we mistakenly think that everything we can measure and perceive with our limited senses is the end all of reality.

    I think in order to be a truly effective force for good you have to have an unshakeable grounding of morality and sense of justice. Of course it doesn't have to come from any super natural framing, I think Marxism can give people that same grounding of morality, because it ultimately means making sacrifices towards equality of people you've never met, really a love of humanity.

    I was an atheist, but as I got more into meditation and yoga, I became more spiritual. Also as some have pointed out, my material conditions got worse so I looked for tools to help me wherever i could find them. However, it took some specific experiences I had to gain that unshakeable faith, many of which involved psychedelic drugs, so maybe drugs are the answer? lol

  • Aspiring_Dirtbag [he/him]tomainThoughts on witchcraft? Discussion thread
    4 years ago

    Witchcraft as an aesthetic is very much neoliberal and bourgeois. Unfortunately, this is the majority of engagement with magick that you see. However, magick is more than witchcraft as a fashion choice. For me, I had my spiritual awakening a couple years ago, before I even had my political awakening, but the two are connected.

    Paganism is a great alternative to religion, once you see the need for spiritualism in your life, but still see all the evils and mind control that religion perpetuate. Also religions don't really want you to think for yourself, where the practice of magick is all about thinking for yourself. Aleister Crowley's Magick:Book 4 is a great read, and his main teaching is "Do what thou wilt!". Also, all humans share in the divine (as above, so below) Ultimately I think following this philosophy is what allowed me to break free from the neoliberal consensus world view.

    Modern society is very much lacking in meaningful spiritual living, which contributes to our soul sucking capitalist world. The left should embrace neo-paganism imo, not as organized religion, but as individual pursuit.

  • Aspiring_Dirtbag [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I was totally alienated depressed and lonely for years before the pandemic, so maybe in some ways I was better set up to handle it. Still lonely lol, but I feel like I'm on the up and up now. I feel like social ramifications of all the lockdowns will be quite severe, and are under-talked about. They will affect the vulnerable and alienated disproportionately more. Oh well