FriendlyDogman [they/them,he/him]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 20th, 2021


  • Vaccines can cause mutations though. This is from 2018 btw before this entire topic became hyper-polarizing:

    Vaccines Are Pushing Pathogens to Evolve

    Read and his colleagues are studying how the herpesvirus that causes Marek’s disease — a highly contagious, paralyzing and ultimately deadly ailment that costs the chicken industry more than $2 billion a year — might be evolving in response to its vaccine. Its latest vaccine, that is. Marek’s disease has been sickening chickens globally for over a century; birds catch it by inhaling dust laden with viral particles shed in other birds’ feathers. The first vaccine was introduced in 1970, when the disease was killing entire flocks. It worked well, but within a decade, the vaccine mysteriously began to fail; outbreaks of Marek’s began erupting in flocks of inoculated chickens. A second vaccine was licensed in 1983 in the hopes of solving the problem, yet it, too, gradually stopped working. Today, the poultry industry is on its third vaccine. It still works, but Read and others are concerned it might one day fail, too — and no fourth-line vaccine is waiting. Worse, in recent decades, the virus has become more deadly.

    Immunization is also making once-rare or nonexistent genetic variants of pathogens more prevalent, presumably because vaccine-primed antibodies can’t as easily recognize and attack shape-shifters that look different from vaccine strains. And vaccines being developed against some of the world’s wilier pathogens — malaria, HIV, anthrax — are based on strategies that could, according to evolutionary models and lab experiments, encourage pathogens to become even more dangerous.

    Please, I'm begging y'all to realize that just because someone you disagree with says something doesn't mean there isn't a kernel of truth to it. That little bit of truth is what makes it such effective propaganda too.

    Obligatory: this is not a defense of Rogan just so we're clear.

  • It isn't cool, but we're also on a website spawned from a reddit community, so people still have those edgelord brainworms.

    I doubt it was the bankers who were cleaning offices and maintaining those buildings. It was the working class doing that shit and they got buried in the rubble with everybody else. Then their deaths were used to justify murdering millions and destabilizing the Middle East.

  • Traverso explains that on any apple tree you have what are called “sports,” which are apples that might have a slightly different genetic expression than the rest. When Red Delicious apples mutated toward more consistent coloring — i.e., brighter reds, less striping — farmers favored them, because this was a marketable quality. And therein lies the problem.

    “It turns out that a lot of the genes that coded for the flavor-producing compounds were on the same chromosomes as the genes for the yellow striped skin,” Traverso explains, “so as you favored the more consistently colored apples, you were essentially disfavoring the same genes that coded for great flavor.”

    Hootin and hollerin at the fact they selective bred for red color so much that it ruined the flavor. I guess capitalism does innovate after all.

  • Tbh it strikes me as a shitcoating operation. You pay some people to go around acting crazy as fuck so you can paint all people skeptical of covid vaccines as some psycho chud. None of the people I've talked to offline, face to face about this shit were chuds. The vast majority were libs and some are even fellow communists. Are there chuds like that out there? Absolutely, but I think the media likes to amplify these voices (in part) to drown out any criticism coming from the left.

  • Oddly enough I came across a book recently that you may be interested in. I was going to give you a libgen link for it, but apparently it's down at the moment. Luckily the Internet Archive has a copy of it here. It's called Mind and Tissue: Russian Research Perspectives on the Human Brain - it's about psychology research conducted by the Soviets.

    The author really puts it out there in his preface as well:

    If the Cold War in science is to end, I think we must achieve clarity and self-consciousness by impugning the scientists who have built their careers on loyalty oaths and silence in the face of McCarthyism or other forms of censorship, mind-control, or fascism. We should remember that hundreds of German scientists who condoned "racial hygiene" and murder-experiments are still contributing to the atmosphere of the scientific community.

  • Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?

    During the Weimar Republic in the mid-twentieth century, more than half of all German physicians became early joiners of the Nazi Party, surpassing the party enrollments of all other professions. From early on, the German Medical Society played the most instrumental role in the Nazi medical program, beginning with the marginalization of Jewish physicians, proceeding to coerced "experimentation," "euthanization," and sterilization, and culminating in genocide via the medicalization of mass murder of Jews and others caricatured and demonized by Nazi ideology.

    If you'd like to read the whole thing here's a sci hub link to the full paper.

    By utilizing a history of discrimination to ascribe Jewish responsibility for interbellum disease outbreaks, the Party refined the war on agents of disease to a war on Jews—a framing to which physicians were especially sensitive.

    You know, starting to feel a little concerned while reading this paper - "The people that are suppose to heal you are really easy to psyop into doing genocide." Very comforting, thank you lmao

    The authors also explore the financial incentives for these doctors to turn on their Jewish colleagues. Capitalism really does bring out the worst in humanity.