boredymcbored [she/her]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2020


  • boredymcbored [she/her]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    For sure. Not knocking Nipsey, I don't know much about the guy but I do know he was quite charitable. Who knows, maybe if he were exposed to some theory, maybe he'd do an about face like Noname. But there's absolutely no saving Jay. That Kaepernick sucking up to the NFL shit proved that's a dude in a sunken place. He don't care about the people, just his bank account.

  • boredymcbored [she/her]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    She absolutely did. Didn't think it was revolutionary enough for her to have a track on it. I wonder if the feature track being a Jay Z and Nipsey Hustle song (very unapologetic black capitalists) has to do with that? They might not of had a soundtrack at that point though, so who knows.

  • boredymcbored [she/her]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    I'll add a lil more context by saying her lyrics were always anti consumer, anti imperialistic and pro black but she thought capitalism was a viable option to get there. Gladly, she listened when people said that was wrong AF lol but I think it's important to note she had revolutionary thoughts but was still bogged down in American propaganda in how to fix problems she's observed. For instance, her songs, Sunday Morning and her feature in Church/ Liquor Store very accurately shone a light on problems caused by capital, calling out the PIC, privatization of needs, and gentrification to name a few. Although the TLDR version is also accurate, I think it's important to note that there was always a little revolutionary in there, she just needed theory to actualize those thoughts and find solutions to problems she's understood was a problem for a while. She wasn't simply a reformed lib.

  • boredymcbored [she/her]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    This is a super white take. Say what you want about his shitty politics, Evolver, Wake up! and esp Get Lifted are fantastic albums. Classic R&B album. His newer shit is shit but don't disrespect old John. You'd get strangled having that opinion in R&B's heads presence in the mid 2000s.

  • If you keep thinking that and keep beating yourself up for it too, you probably have ADHD and depression to boot. Get diagnosed if you can! I still haven't been as great as I've wanted (currently, mainly cause I lost my pyschs cause insurance, unemployment and covid but whatevs) but I've gotten to the point where I know what steps to take to not totally hate myself, my life, be totally unproductive and can see positive in life. You'll be still be down occasionally, and won't change overnight, but you can learn to build a set of support pillars so you won't deep into that terrible pit of self despair and hopelessness again. You'll know what you need to do to pull yourself out of shit moments. You'll give yourself the tools to finally make some change. You'll still fail a TON and maybe feel like shit, but you'll understand how to get through it to find happy and will hopefully never be as bad as your worst diagnosed depressed moment on a personal level.

  • Keep going until you can get one, check recommendations and specializations in ADHD. You'd be surprised how many psychs don't know how to treat it, don't know the comorbidities that come with it, and just don't take you seriously. A psych thought I'd be addicted to stims cause I smoked weed pre diagnosis to help me cope with my depression when it's been scientifically proven people abuse substances less when they have therapy and even the right meds like stims. She thought I was faking when I said the other meds made me suicidal. Left her sooooo quick. Keep searching. Took several years to find two people that worked amazing for me rather than terrible or just blah.

  • Ahh, thanks for the resource, that eases my mind a bit. It's not as cut and dry as I thought with legislators picking the electors. That muddies up the waters a bit. The wikipedia article does say that the law has no enforcement mechanism (what does that even mean?) and spitballing here, Trump could just pardon anyone that gets into trouble for that, but it would take TONS of balls to do all that which IDK Trump is up to. Hmmm. I feel better but still not great. Hell, I'm probably the paranoid one thinking THAT far ahead.

    2nd point, I think I was taking what that law prof said as what happens in every state in this country, but I'm realizing it varies between state. Some are elected, some I guess are picked by the legislature. He was talking about specifically PA but our country has so many different convoluted ways of picking things. We suck lol. OK, I'm realizing this is a very VERY uphill battle and unless Trump is picking the right people around him to make this work, I don't know if he specifically can pull this off. This worries me in the future but as for now, I'll just wait and see.

  • and a majority of states have laws against them

    Really? I've read some things that said a majority of states DON'T have a law against that. Plus all he needs is to have the republican legislatures on his side to pick the electors that are for Trump. When a Governor and legislature conflict with who they want their slate of electors to be, the VP is the tie breaker which leans in Trumps favor. This is what I've picked up from the law professors video.

  • I feel I'm going crazy. I think too many people, libs and lefties, obsess about the violent part of a coup and just the word coup in general to clearly see what's happening in front of them. Trump is a crazy person that's said time and time that he isn't going to just leave and people are laughing even though he's taken steps to make it happen. I DON'T think we'll have a violent militant take over of office as no one is going to do that for someone like Trump, but using faithless electors and or not leaving is certainty still on the table IMO. Lefties who correctly point out the impossibility of the violent part that's typically seen with coups are ignoring the former scenario is essentially a soft coup. The pentagon staff he switched out won't be doing violence but be used as a weak shield of protection if he doesn't leave. Of course, if he gets the faithless elector thing going which this electoral law professor said is still possible he wouldn't even be throwing a coup, just using our sorry ass electoral college flaws to win a position for himself legally.

    We push back against the libs civil war fearmongering, rightfully so, but we also underestimate a fucking crazy person that still has a lot of power and is actively kicking out defectors. I think it's absolutely crazy not to take a crazy man's bluff seriously.