Lol can the ABC not afford any of the think-tank grifters associated with the G08 Uni's
Lol can the ABC not afford any of the think-tank grifters associated with the G08 Uni's
How many layers of co-option can once radical lexicons take until they are absolutely meaningless
Hindutva propaganda is not really the best
Look at the hosts of the show, what else would expect from it? The most online people have too online guests
The ghost of Kiev
Ben Burgis is such a loser. Zer0 book reading mfer
Does this website really censor c###
Wtf removed are you aussie
What why does it have the format of the ABC website?
It's 1 shitpost vs the endless torrent of the Western Propoganda machine, get some perspective you lib
Well it was going to happen, bet that ghoul on their Board must be really smug right now
I swear to god Q-Anon is CIA backed and they leak twisted versions of things actually happening to melt peoples brains. As if they'd be so on point with this.
New Ukranian hero just dropped