Hope it was a great week everyone. Hopefully this one is even better. cat-trans

  • Kiagz [she/her]
    4 months ago

    The emotional changes are getting really exhausting. Think I've cried more this past week than I did in the entirety of 2023

    Face dysphoria

    The dysphoria is so much more intense now as well, especially regarding the things hrt can't fix like my awful brow bone. I really didn't think it would get this bad, I almost had a panic attack last night because of it :(

    • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
      4 months ago

      Brows can be softened with a bit of eyebrow shaping! But yes it sucks. I know the feeling. I wanna do FFS but it's the same price as a nice used car or a decent house down payment...

      • Kiagz [she/her]
        4 months ago

        Yeah, think I'm stuck in boymode until I get FFS trans-sad Really hoping I can get a job soon so I can start saving up for it