Hope it was a great week everyone. Hopefully this one is even better. cat-trans

  • Thallo [love/loves]
    4 months ago

    Hey everyone, despite some easing in this week, I can't believe I've been gone for a month. I really had a crazy time with my mental health. I think I've finally gotten over my years long battle with extreme anxiety. I really feel like my emotional range is opening up to feel things other than fear. In the last few days, I've felt actually happy for the first time in years. I didn't realize I had been numb for that long. Anyway, I'm happy to be back here with you kel-bliss

    So, what's happened over the last month? Anything cool I should know about?

    @SnowySkyes@hexbear.net is everything coming along okay after your surgery?

    @EstraDoll@hexbear.net how has transition been for you? Still ecstatic? aubrey-happy

    • ashinadash [she/her]
      4 months ago

      There was a new post from the DIY laser(electro?) machine poster!

    • EstraDoll [she/her]
      4 months ago

      It feels like nothing has really changed in the last month but that's just not true, a lot has changed actually. I just took my 4th E shot and I'm already feeling some subtle emotional changes, plus I found a place off of craigslist so I'm moving out in ~2 weeks or so with another trans woman as a roommate. Surprisingly affordable too for this area. Haven't done much "transitioning" in the traditional sense other than that but having housing where I can be a trans girl instead of a "cis man" is a huge step in the right direction. Other than that I've been still processing all of my fun new emotions like looking at old photos of myself and seeing a little girl which is bizarre and strange but real

      my tits hurt good now :)

      • Thallo [love/loves]
        4 months ago

        That's really great! You're so lucky that you found that space.

        I think it's your first place away from home? If so, that's like a double good time.

        • EstraDoll [she/her]
          4 months ago

          I think it's your first place away from home? If so, that's like a double good time.

          apart from the time i got kicked out of my house and had to live with my grandfather back in 2020 because i kept going to BLM protests and my parents were liberal anti-cracker-aktion who were upset by the fact that i kept indirectly confronting them with their own complicity in police violence. this is a much better setup though, i get to decorate my room like a communist transbian now and nobody can stop me

    • SnowySkyes [she/her]
      4 months ago

      That is incredibly sweet of you to ask. Seriously, thank you. meow-hug

      I just had a couple procedures done the last few days to ensure my GI tract didn’t get screwed up. Results came back today and everything is normal, so I can officially say that I’m healing exceedingly well. No major complications or even minor ones. Can’t wait to be set loose upon the world again in 6 more weeks.

      • Thallo [love/loves]
        4 months ago

        That's really good to hear.

        That must be incredibly exciting! Hope the 6 weeks isn't too much~

    • khizuo [ze/zir]
      4 months ago

      Welcome back! And I'm glad you're feeling better about your mental health cat-trans

        • khizuo [ze/zir]
          4 months ago

          Thank you for asking! I've unfortunately been sick over the past 5 days which hasn't been the most fun; the fatigue has been so overpowering that I basically haven't been able to do much outside of lie in bed all day. Otherwise life has been mostly uneventful. Talked with a trans friend earlier which was really nice, and we're making plans to hang out this summer!

          • Thallo [love/loves]
            4 months ago

            That sucks. I hope it's something passing and not indicative of anything chronic.

            That sounds cool! Summer is looking exciting for me, too. I'll have a lot more time to myself to present the way I want, and I want to get better at makeup and stuff.