Sending good vibes to all of my trans comrades cat-trans

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  • ashinadash [she/her]
    2 months ago

    Uh why would I ever say that's not an issue? What gives you that impression? Do you not think the issue I describe is (was, I guess?) my issue as well? Of course it is an issue. I view it as: my brain wants estrogen, or the effects of estrogen, and my body does not produce it. I will intervene. The way you describe it sounds normal to me. What the actual literal biological cause is or if it exists quite as a "biological issue" or whatever is unknown, but clearly you want to be a different way than you are physically, sounds good. Brain yells "I DO NOT WANT THE T STUFF GIVE ME THE E STUFF", and you oblige it. Seriously, what gives you the impression that I do not think dysphoria is an issue??? I am literally on feminising hormone replacement therapy nia-you-what

    Yeah, how much or if the societal gendering factors into that is a hazy matter, I guess. I do find it fascinating that you mostly divorce this from gender role stuff, that's neat! I only said because you mentioned really hating that women would perceive you as a man and be cautious. If you view it as mostly an issue of biology that's totally cool too tbh. Struggle to think of "man" things you do not like, hm...

    I don't think that's entirely disagreeable, like there's a biological root for everything humans do because it's all governed by the brain, even if external factors can wedge in at some point. The potential hormonal component of being trans I think we can say has some brain cause, or something. I would not try to say "people just do medical transition things to fit binary gender", because no matter how silly the binary is, people really clearly want these things regardless, which is all good... granted, I was also tormented by bottom dysphoria for near a decade and then after some processing and realising a new gender, a new interal perception, I find myself not that worried. So I do think societal norms and stuff can play in very occasionally, but I'm also just one weirdo, and people should have whatever the fuck they like in transition terms. Whatever I might say about social construction, if something is causing someone distress, ask them what they need and then give it to them, probably. Even if the social construction shit influences someone, if they're happy does it matter?

    Np, I'm happy to chat, and it does make sense to me, hope I could help a lil kirby-wave

    • BountifulEggnog [she/her]
      2 months ago

      Uh why would I ever say that's not an issue? What gives you that impression? Do you not think the issue I describe is (was, I guess?) my issue as well? Of course it is an issue.

      I don't know cheems sometimes I say things and I think people will react one way and they don't. And I felt like maybe that would be too close to calling being trans an issue for people to be okay with. Sometimes I genuinely have no idea how people will react and it makes me very worried. I know that trans people get very defensive at the idea that being trans is an issue to be fixed (kinda like with autism) and I just struggle to understand the actual line in the sand that upsets people (or if what I say will be misunderstood to mean something else, god I hate that). idk. Probably my autism. This happens a lot to me.

      I don't know, I'm probably not explaining it well. I do want to be a woman/girl but... I don't know I feel like the biological stuff is a bigger issue. If people socially saw everyone the same without gender labels I'd be a huge fan overall though.

      Although I suppose I really do prefer she/her to they/them (once I transition at least), so I am not completely free from gender roles.

      I only said because you mentioned really hating that women would perceive you as a man and be cautious.

      I mean this is kinda from toxic gender role stuff though, isn't it? Men being a danger to women and then women being fearful. And I don't think I've ever been that way? Obviously it feels shitty to feel like people see you as a threat, especially if you aren't. Not that I'm saying women don't have good reason to be careful.

      Yes this paragraph is all very agreeable to me.

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        2 months ago

        One of my favourite things I have learned, and people fucking hate this, is that you cannot predict a human being. You would need access to their every thought ever to predict how any given person is going to behave. Chaotic creatures!!! niko-wonderous

        I see though, makes sense. Being trans is not an issue itself, and dysphoria is only an "issue" in the sense it hurts people and should be treated however they desire basically. The reason that viewing being trans or autistic as an "issue" gets people up in arms is because it's normative, seeking to cure trans and nd people back to cis or nt states, viewed as a deviation. Treating dysphoria, however, helps beautiful lovely trans people be beautiful lovely and trans ✨ You will still see people chafe at the medicalisation of dysphoria somewhat, because medicalisation can be bad mojo in general, but y'know it's fine.

        Well however you parse it is fine, I think, if you see the biology as the main thing. I find it fascinating that you describe the utter destruction of gender as something you'd be a big fan of though!!! badeline-jokerfied I have that too though, she/her just tickles me Idk why. I guess because of the two binary genders I am closer to "woman", but I do not really get why I find she/her funny tbh.

        Yeahhhhhh toxic gender role shit kel-bliss that makes total sense, I see. You especially don't wanna be viewed as threatening for a gender you aren't even being, understandable.
