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  • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
    23 days ago

    I swear things will feel better when you get curves and as you continue your transition some of this stuff won't hurt as much.

    I haven't heard of rib dysphoria, they're pretty gender neutral aren't they? Height, I get it, being tall is coded masc for whatever reason even though plenty of tall femme women exist including the cis. Voice dysphoria - yeah, Im with you it does suck especially before youve done a lot of training. Pelvis dysphoria I can get, we definitely dont get room for a baby through the middle. But, I haven't heard of rib dysphoria. Like, you're so skinny you can see them?

    • BountifulEggnog [she/her]
      23 days ago

      I hope curves help, I think they will. Also hoping they come soon (but somehow also not in an obvious way)

      ohnoes I explained it wrong, like my rib cage being big and that effecting my chest I guess. Maybe not technically dysphoria, just a fear of how I do/will look (that feels grounded in something right now)? I feel like I can't really have dysphoria over tits because I don't have them? But I do worry/don't like the way my rib cage makes things look I guess. Too big. I didn't really go into it because its still somewhat unknown how bad it'll really be. Maybe I'll be lucky and everything will grow in perfectly.

      Like, you're so skinny you can see them?

      kitty-birthday-sad Definitely not.

      • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
        23 days ago

        There are some general differences in xy/T and xx/E rib cages but they're very minimal and human variation is enough that there are lots of cis women with bigger rib cages than plenty of cis men. I completely understand dysphoria isn't rational, I have writing dysphoria and that's not exactly rational lol, but I dunno about a rib cage being clockey. I've never thought of it at all and I've seen a lot of rib cages (at work).

        I mean, you can get barrel chest but that's like decades of COPD or cystic fibrosis and then, yeah, it gets biiig but that's gender neutral. You ever seen someone with barrel chest? It gets big. The pictures always show a man but that's cause boobs kinda hide it lol - women can get barrel chested too. Ribs are pretty pliable to change over time, also fun fact they regrow! Which is kinda spooky.

        • BountifulEggnog [she/her]
          23 days ago

          I could have sworn people talked about how T makes you get a bigger ribcage, and that effecting how boobs grow in? Otherwise its whatever, its just knowing mine is big (like most of me, bigger then most men's) and thinking that will effect how I look when I start presenting fem.

          I don't have either of those issues, but that's interesting.

          I'm not actually too upset by it right now, but thank you for replying, I always appreciate it a lot.

        • naom3 [she/her]
          23 days ago

          Really? That’s actually really comforting. I’ve always thought my ribcage was too big but maybe it’s actually proportional and just seems big because I’m taller than the average woman 🤔

          Also yeah ribs regrowing is kinda weird. Like why ribs and nothing else?