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    • Ideology [she/her]
      28 days ago

      Beyond body features/metabolism, HRT has some mild psychological effects. It won't like, turn you from a chad to a tradwife unless you were already sympathetic to that. But it will subtly change how you perceive certain emotions and situations and unsubtly make it easier to cry (can be cathartic).

      I also find it easier to empathize with cis women than I did previously, esp when society started treating me like shit. But that perspective doesn't necessarily need hrt. I just found that it greased the wheels a bit on my path to being more staunchly feminist.

    • WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]
      28 days ago

      HRT can lighten hair, but facial hair, for example, need laser/electrolysis regardless.

      Fat redistribution and breast development could help with clothing fitting better depending on how you are wanting clothes to fit.

      HRT will generally make losing weight harder all else equal.

    • thirtymilliondeadfish [she/her]
      28 days ago

      secondary sex characteristics are influenced by hormone replacement. Fat redistribution, breast development, skin complexion etc

      If you're not looking for that in particular, yeah you could get away with laser/electrolysis hair removal and exercise alone tbh

    • rayne [she/her]
      28 days ago

      My healthcare conglomerate uses an informed consent model. It wasn't really your question, but there was no diagnosis. Just, this is what it does. These are the risks. Do you still want it? Great, see you in three months for a hormone check.

      Psychologically estrogen has down stream effects on oxytocin (the bonding hormone) and serotonin (the rest and digest hormone).

      I think other posters covered physical stuff well.