Fanart is by Syurii22.

Toyosatomimi no Miko is a character in the Touhou Project series introduced in its 13th installment, Ten Desires.

Miko was once Prince Shoutoku, a Japanese leader in the 600s known for promoting Buddhism and streamlining the Japanese government. In the Touhou lore, she was visited by Taoist hermit Seiga Kaku, who had heard about Miko’s longing for immortality. Seiga introduced her to Taoism, but she rejected it as a religion unfit for placating an entire country. She was intrigued by its promise of immortality, however, and privately converted to it, advocating for Buddhism to keep Japan stable. After drinking an “immortality elixir” (mercury sulfide), however, she was forced to let go of her body and become a supernatural hermit like Seiga, notably taking on the form of a woman, making her a canonically trans character (lets-fucking-go).

After convincing a hermit from a rival clan (Mononobe no Futo) to sleep without decaying, Miko followed in suit, waiting for a time where a Taoist Japan would revive her in search of guidance. However, Buddhist monks were able to keep her mausoleum sealed, and the legends surrounding her were slowly brushed off- which led to her transportation into Gensokyo, where the folklore of old is a reality of everyday life.

When she awoke in Gensokyo, it was right after Buddhist monk Byakuren Hijiri opened her own temple, however, leading to a surge of divine spirits across the realm, setting up the events of Ten Desires.

What look like headphones on her are canonically earmuffs- Shoutoku was allegedly able to discern between ten questions asked at once, an ability carried by Miko (although with her enhanced abilities, she can also analyze each person and determine their inner desires (thus the title of the game))- although it means her hearing is highly sensitive and has to be muffled to prevent pain.

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  • lilypad [she/her, undecided]
    17 days ago

    Ive got a few stuffed animals at home. They all have names and personalities, and i cuddle with them when we both would like it.

    Theres a black horse with a diamond on her head named diamond. She is there whenever I need her and never judges me. If it was socially acceptable to take stuffed animals with you out and about she would come with me everywhere. She is a rock and loves to be there for people. She comforts me when Im sad, but doesnt wallow with me. Shes like the hand on your back reminding you that someone is there, that you are loved, and that you arent alone and will be ok.

    Ive also got a little fox, their name is Reven. They are very sweet but dont like to socialize much. They like to hide in piles of clothing and under the sheets for fun.

    Then theres Desert Dog, a who is always sad. The world has not been kind to Desert Dog and they need lots of love. Theyre very insecure and codependent. They also like to hide, but its from fear anxiety and depression rather than playfulness like Reven.

    Theres also dysphoria bunny. Its more supernatural than the others; its superpower is absorbing dysphoria and being super soft.

    Pices bunny is airheaded and not very down to earth. She floats around from place to place both emotionally and physically, and like water is hard to hold.

    Frumpy is a small seal and was a gift from my ex. She is always angry about something. But i dont cuddle with her very often, because she reminds me of my ex and the life I left behind. Its not fair to her, she deserves cuddles, but i cant give them to her right now. Its been almost a year since I left and it still hurts a lot. Sometimes I think of giving her to my roommate on long term loan so she can be held.