I guess michael moore was right that the winning strategy would just be to take beloved celebrities and run them. hypothetically if you had enough celebrities running you could probably bypass most of the party system and have political coalitions that roughly align with fandom demographics.
just a joke on his character in True Detective: busting up a child sex trafficking ring
Nah, he is right winger (well libertarian) hiding his levels, at least snippets indicate that, but Q are something else
He recently was MC for a televised fundraiser for the winter storm and his stage persona was that of a southern televangelist, but with mostly secular message of optimism and hope.
If that's how he campaigns, he's gonna be a real threat to the off-putting void of charisma that is Greg Abbott, I think.
So on which side of the Qanon thing will he fall, the True Detective side or the Dazed and Confuzed side?