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  • domhnall [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Wise AnComs don't fuck with r/Anarchism. They do not represent us.

    • Gkalaitza [he/him]
      3 years ago

      i dont think big parts of the western anarchist/libsoc left ever needed much fed push to be feverishly anti-communist. Only promotion of those elements

      • MarxMadness [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        Anarchism is a political philosophy that has a lot of well-developed ideas behind it (and many of those ideas are good, and offer some of the best critiques of other leftist philosophies), but it's also extremely easy to turn into a low-effort aesthetic. A lot of people get sucked into that without digging into the fundamental ideas very deeply, which leads to some bad takes.

  • WeedReference420 [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    What the hell happened to the majority of Anarchist spaces on Reddit? They used to be good but now it's just a constant "Tankies bad" circlejerk

    • solaranus
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • WeedReference420 [he/him, they/them]
        3 years ago

        Yeah, I don't want to be a "Everything is an op" guy but it is kinda suspicious how quickly all this misplaced anti 'tankie' sentiment has enveloped a lot of online leftist spaces.

        • p_sharikov [he/him]
          3 years ago

          I think it's probably just a case of westerners, particularly Americans, rediscovering socialism and trying to reinvent the wheel without actually knowing anything or doing any critical examination of the propaganda they've absorbed. The "op" was the last 50 years of anti-communist and end-of-history brainwashing.

          • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
            3 years ago

            this was basically me as a 'not real communism' teenager. I'd be like, "oh so DeLeonism must be right path since obviously everything else was a failure. It looks really nice on the wikipedia page!"

            now I've learned to stop worrying and love the tank :stalin-joking:

    • Christ_Lover [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      I only visit /r/Anarchy101 to check if they had their weekly “What’s the deal with tankies thread?”. Which is not even a question

    • QuillQuote [they/them]
      3 years ago

      Every anprim I’ve actually met has been fuckin awesome, we love our anprim comrades :anprim-pat:

      • AcidSmiley [she/her]
        3 years ago

        This goes for every anarchist i've actually met. Reddit "anarchists" have so little to do with irl anarchist praxis that i feel bad calling them anarchists even when i use scare quotes.

        • Punk [he/him]
          3 years ago

          One time a reddit anarchist told me that green day were the best anticapitalist band. Even a fed wouldn't be stupid enough to say that; hating green day is the biggest requirement to be an anarchist

          • AcidSmiley [she/her]
            3 years ago

            There's a few Green Day songs that are guilty pleasures of mine. They're always goofy as fuck, and swerved way too hard into stadium rock bs later on, but they didn't only get so big because they're cringy pop sellouts, they also always had a rhythm section that fucking bops. The bass and drums on Dookie are amazing and if i get the wall for saying that, then do your duty, comrades.

            • Punk [he/him]
              3 years ago

              Haha nah there's nothing wrong with liking Green Day. Their first few albums are really good and they really connected with the sort of aimless feeling in young people in America at the time. It's kind of a meme to rag on them in punk circles because they got mainstream popularity and an image of being this mad subversive band with some of the most milquetoast, myopic anti-war music ever and if there's one thing punks love it's saying things aren't real punk.

        • NotARobot [she/her]
          3 years ago

          Aside from :a-guy: I thought Anarcho-Primitivism was basically a meme. Are there any unironic anprims here?

          • Jeff_Benzos [he/him]
            3 years ago

            The only anprims I've met irl were boomers who just really wanted to smoke weed. Big fan

          • Chomsky [comrade/them]
            3 years ago

            He was super anti anprim btw. He said tribal societies had heirarchy and that noble savage is a derp, but that is still a more fulfilling way to live, and I tend to think he was basically right on this particular point.

      • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
        3 years ago

        Like I always say, if anprims mean to form voluntary communes that is fine, any attempt to impose or spread anprim I am HIGHLY OPPOSED to, basically as an individual ideology its fine but as a societal one I see far too much danger for causing suffering for disabled comrades or anyone otherwise needing modern medicine and other such developments.

        Edit: Also while I've certainly met good anprim comrades on here, I've also met anprims in other places who entirely dismiss the concerns about disabled or trans comrades with arguments to the effect of "Well in primitive societies disabled people were taken care of" as if personal agency and ability to act on your own is not to value, and that there would be no dysphoria to treat with HRT or surgery "Because dysphoria comes from societys stereotypes about women, in a primitive society you would just be a woman without need to dress such or change yourself to fit society" which while probably not any kind of majority opinion among anprims, has severely soured me on anarcho-primitivisms ability to actually resolve these issues without just being a commune that you would leave to fix these things.

        • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
          3 years ago

          From their framework it makes sense, just as you cant just make a communist commune and never engage with capitalism, you also cant just make a primitivist commune and never engage with capitalism or society either.

          Then wether or not you think their end goal makes any sense is another question but I dont think this in particular is a dunk.

          • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
            3 years ago

            I assume the idea is that you literally cant avoid exposure to technology unless you want to just literally die so its not like its amplifying any harm to try and spread their ideas using the technology forced onto them.

  • a_blanqui_slate [none/use name, any]
    3 years ago

    Anarchists (Dumb): Lenin was an evil anti-communist responsible for the failure of the most promising leftist revolution yet.

    Tankies (Dumb): Lenin was a brilliant leader who managed to establish the most successful socialist state to date in a very hostile world.

    Me (Smart, has opened the Third Eye): Lenin was invented in 1973 by General Mills as part of the first ARG.

  • Nakoichi [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Reddit is wild. I know a lot of people who consider themselves some form of anarchist or left libertarian. None of them think like this and most of them hold Lenin in particularly high regard.

  • Gkalaitza [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Chomskyism and its consequenses have been a disaster for humanity.

    Like yeah anarchists always were anti-leninist in their theory and approach and thats understandable but the ahistorical conseption that Lenin and the boshleviks somehow co-opted a movement and took over some ACTUALY LEFTIST AND PURE revolution (which many actualy believe that it was anarchist/libsoc/demsoc led lmao) by authoritarianism and couped/killed the legitimate more democratic leftists that did all the job has been popularized in anarchist/libsoc/demsoc spaces by Chomsky and the likes.

    Its insane that this narrative is so prevalent. Complete rewritting of history and a spit to the grave of those revolutionaries that brought about the first and most important proletarian revolution in history. The Bolsheviks didnt have popular support and just killed and suppressed the other more popular leftists ? What is this shit. Even right wing accounts and historiography around that period and revolution is completely oppossed to that. Kropotkin would be pulling out his beard with shit like this and he was critical of Lenin during that period happening and lived through it

    Lenin betrayed the revolution ? Im not one for great man theory but reading about the timeline without Lenin or a Lenin like figure (good luck thinking that those will just always arise when there is a need for them) there wouldnt be a proletarian revolution . Crushing the soviets? Literally "power to the soviets was the main post revolution slogan". The decrease in decision making power and influence of the soviet system came under war communism and good luck going through the civil war and 13 country invasion without it, it was reversed right afterwards. Cotemporary anti-bolshevik western reporting was all about how the dump soviets created chaos and local conflicts everywhere by the soviet system, western liberal "journalists" were fear mongering about the horrible system of no bosses and of workers deciding production that is ennacted in Russia and how it will obviously lead to their collapse and economic failure without the capitalist. These people know there are actual accounts of workers describing their lives under lenin and stalin and how their work system was.About voting and deciding stuff and the back and forth with the party and the empowerment they had. It wasnt 400 hundred years ago or some alternate reality. Tens of millions lived through it, some are alive till now to remember working after the NEP under Stalin.

    The prosecution complex of these extremely online people is hillarious. MLs dont want to kill you or throw you in camps or is sitting in their house thinking about it just cause Kornstadt and Makhnovia were suppressed (which again is much more historicaly gray than Bolsheviks being jealous of the successfull and pure hearted revolutionary anarchists and killing them cause authoritarianism). Fact is that thousands of russian anarchists worked with the Bolsheviks to build the proletarian state and defend the revolution. And a lot actualy went against the Bolsheviks not just in theory but by terrorism and open rebellion. Bukharin and dozens of bolshaviks where bombed DURING a pro anarchist/ left unity party commitee organized by Bukharin to support anarchists he thought were unfairly detained and put forth process for their release. So yeah a lot were suppressed as well no shit

    • richietozier4 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      The persecution complex they have is the worst thing about them. As :party-parenti: put it

      Safely ensconced within a virulently anticommunist society, Orwell (with Orwellian doublethink) characterized the condemnation of communism as a lonely courageous act of defiance. Today, his ideological progeny are still at it, offering themselves as intrepid left critics of the Left, waging a valiant struggle against imaginary Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist hordes.

    • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Crushing the soviets? Literally “power to the soviets was the main post revolution slogan”. The decrease in decision making power and influence of the soviet system came under war communism and good luck going through the civil war and 13 country invasion without it, it was reversed right afterwards


      The prosecution complex of these extremely online people is hillarious. MLs dont want to kill you or throw you in camps or is sitting in their house thinking about it just cause Kornstadt and Makhnovia were suppressed (which again is much more historicaly gray than Bolsheviks being jealous of the successfull and pure hearted revolutionary anarchists and killing them cause authoritarianism). Fact is that thousands of russian anarchists worked with the Bolsheviks to build the proletarian state and defend the revolution. And a lot actualy went against the Bolsheviks not just in theory but by terrorism and open rebellion. Bukharin and dozens of bolshaviks where bombed DURING a pro anarchist/ left unity party commitee organized by Bukharin to support anarchists he thought were unfairly detained and put forth process for their release. So yeah a lot were suppressed as well no shit

      Roflmao 2

    • ErnestGoesToGulag [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      Yeah, anti great man theory doesn't mean there's never great men, or at least determined individuals who make a difference. It just means they're not the primary drivers of history. They arise out of and take part in the overarching class conflicts

    • Vncredleader
      3 years ago

      Incredibly well said. Indefenseoftoucans also covers a response to Chomsky's anticommunist propaganda against Lenin. The "destroyed the soviets" thing is particularly flabbergasting. Oh and if one more person cries to me over Kronstadt or Makhnovia so help me god. These people make me defend and positively cite Trotsky, you know what that does to a person?

      • richietozier4 [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Kronstadt or Makhnovia

        anytime i see them mentioned I come so so close violating left unity

  • Grownbravy [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Fun fact: he wasn't actually born today, but rather on the same day in the past!

    Well, at least someone’s telling the truth.

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Might sound ironic posting it here, but super online political groups can be just so utterly detached from the actual ideology. Every irl anarchist I know is chill and not fervently anti communist. Most have a principled set of beliefs that I can respect in their own ways.

    • kristina [she/her]
      3 years ago

      true, though i met a trans woman irl that took the super online anarchist pill and she freaked out on me (and ghosted me!) for my opinion of 'not knowing mandarin or uighur so idk whats going on in xinjiang' when the story first broke. i bought her meds and an uber ride to go to her first hrt appointment, which she did, after years of avoiding it -_-

      some people

      • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Yeah it's ironic how they can claim to hate the state but then regurgitate 1:1 state department propaganda. It's very weird and bizarre

        • kristina [she/her]
          3 years ago

          yeah i was just kinda pissed that i really went out of the way to help her and she just wiffed it for no real reason. first time someone i helped with trans stuff just flipped out at me, for something so small too

          and the fact that she said i changed her life and was so grateful??? like what the fuck