Link to the post cus I'm not a :LIB:
Haven’t seen a real struggle session since Beatnik and TC69 left
Why hasn't beatnik come back anyway? We all established the thing was fake.
I guess I wouldn't come back too if my entire site I created turned on me with one bait post.
So anarchists sectarian like this, while tankies sectarian like this
There's more relitigation in the comments and I'm definitely going to rerelitigate if it isn't removed
"your site is so dumb and you always have struggle sessions that scare people away!"
Followed by them and the other stupidpolers making accounts and starting struggle sessions as revenge for us making them hate the site for having struggle sessions.
I do love the ban waves of day old accounts that always inevitably happens.
Yet again proof that getting rid of the downvotes was a great idea.
Dang. Okay, I will say, you in particular (of the like 3 users I recognize), do a great job of running the fitness sub, and attempting to build a sense of constructive community. Also the guy who gave me a thorough answer as to how I could set up, like, dummy vpn so my employer couldn't track me -- a real mensch. But otherwise its often a tough hang, to say the least.
Aw ty. That's actually nice to hear.
And it's not perfect, for sure. I (poorly) try and limit my time on here which helps so I don't get too much. But I may just be grading on a heavy curve compared to twitter & reddit.
I found the podcast in the beginning of 2017. I checked the subreddit out right away, it sucked at that time of infancy too.
Look, if this place returns to the heyday of the sub, I'm for it.
About stupidpol and red scare doofuses wrecking? Yeah the second part makes it pretty clear.
Is it possible recruiting on reddit for a website specifically without terminal reddit-brain is a dead end? Maybe we should be recruiting from websites that already don't have terminal reddit-brain. I don't know of any since I don't use any other social media, but they gotta exist, right?
You're right and I should honestly stop bringing it up on most reddit subs. It's gone full :reddit-logo: .
Real, "a good captain goes down with the ship" vibes.
I would rather get people visiting from tags in downtown cities than advert on reddit