I'm reminded of an old Zero Punctuation episode where Yahtzee said Nazis were the perfect video game enemy since you don't feel any sympathy for them at all and killing them is like eating Skittles
Nazi zombies even more so. Like regular zombies I still feel bad because I'm like aww...that was someone's mom or brother. But with Nazi zombies I'm just like "HAHA I GET TO KILL YOU AGAIN! LUCKY ME!"
I meant it's his fault for not being able to play longer
He was no angel
The US dropped nuclear bombs on Japanese civilians to demonstrate their new weaponry to the USSR. No one was playing the piano though so it can't be used as an example of the evil nature of the US.
This was apparently fake, just like every other war crime allegation against the USSR
Wow you're telling me they didn't just sit around watching some nazi play the piano for 22 hours straight as if they had nothing better to do?
It’s about as bullshit as any claimed Soviet war crimes. In fact, the Soviets should have treated Germany harsher than they actually did in real life.
Didn't Stalin have to put out an order early on telling at least a certain brigade to stop raping people? Or was that made up too?
The book The Russians in Germany: a history of the Soviet Zone of occupation, 1945-1949" by Norman Naimark has a good deal of evidence in the chapter "Soviet Soldiers, German Women, and the Problem of Rape." There's no mention of Stalin's order though, and it mostly condemns smaller units. However, it does quote Stalin's response to accusations of mass rape in Silesia as being "In every family there is a black sheep," a Russian proverb. That's on page 71.
What a fucking racist username. Looks like we have our first AWB neonazi troll from South Africa.
Murder rate has halved since 1994 you ignorant bafoon. Go cry some more
The source on this shit is always some West German Nazi that was given a position in government by the Americans.
I went digging for this and all I could find was a it came from a British POW that told the story for Anthony Beevor's book Berlin: The Downfall 1945, published in 2002.
Funnily enough the edition I found had no mention of the 22 hours and instead stated it was 16. I have no clue where "22 hours" comes from other than where it's stated as such on the website of the (President) Hoover Institution. Please go look at this ghoulish website for a what's what of evil shit. Also, imagine having someone lecture you on economics and they work for the HOOVER Institution lmao
I know Beevor was heavily criticised by Russian historians for repeating "Asiatic horde" myths about the Soviets in looking into this as well.
See, it's definitely fake, I mean what, this brit was around for this? No. Maybe, if he's being "honest," at best heard it at his camp or something. Otherwise, you have a room full of Soviet soldiers and a now dead SS soldier. Not exactly a crowd that's getting this story out to the English speaking world.
So, it's a lie.
Funny Beevor and the Hoover institute shared it, in a "of course they did" way. It's amazing how many of these anecdotal stories exist about communists, with no legs to stand on after brief critical engagement. The atrocities of the nazis are known, there's their own records and testimony. The brutality of the Japanese invasion of China, perhaps less records, but plenty of first hand experience. The horrors of colonialism by the west? Same.
You don't see those stories in these memes. Just those scawy weds. It's kind of awesome that even though many socialist states are gone, they still terrify the West. The word Bolshevik, which would mean nothing outside Russia before the revolution, now decades after the collapse still inspires fear. Really shows the power and potency of Marxism, and encouraging that it's enemies fear us so, while fascists are rehabilitated. Pretty clear who's the real threat to hellworld. Naturally their propaganda makes it hard for us, but they wouldn't waste their time on it if they weren't concerned, and the Left throughout history has demonstrated the one thing they can't abide: there is an alternative- another, better world IS possible.
That's a long way to say "burn in hell imaginary doge meme SS guy"
a customer at my job was talking to me about economics and mentioned he was watching lectures hosted by the hoover institution lol
Fuck that. After what the fascists did to Europe and the Soviet Union, one scum playing the piano for 22 hours is a drop of water in an ocean.
I get you. The guy was a literal SS officer and most probably did 10 times worse to Eastern European civilians on his march there, so fuck him; But it's completely understandable to feel repulsed by how gruesome and cruel a man's execution was, regardless of how much he deserved it.
I mean it isn’t understandable. The person had no soul. No conscience. They deserved their fate.
Whenever I see someone incessantly posting stuff like that they usually get banned after a couple weeks because they show their ass somewhere else so I'm calling it now lol
It's incredible that you can show such a degree of concern for another human being, and I commend you for it.
not this time. I find displays of greater concern than I am capable of inspiring.
nah, fuck em, I'm glad those comrades allegedly got some entertainment out of that piece of shit and I hope he's still playing piano eternally in hell
It's pretty messed up, they should have just shot him. Or at least just put him out if his misery like five minutes after he stared playing.
yeah it's needless and pointlessly cruel. there's a solid case for executing Nazis (although practical concerns around if you execute people who surrender everyone will fight to the death should be considered) but torture's just wrong
here me out though it just encourages them and lets them play themselves up as martyrs
The Germans were en masse exterminating millions of people, committing unspeakable crimes against humanity, slaughtering defenseless people. And you deny the wronged revenge?
I mean...I understand the motivation, but I don’t think that makes it good
Well, how would you have treated the people responsible for slaughter of that level?
I mean...I wasn’t there, so I can’t really speak to what I would do.
But ideally they would be treated with compassion, like I think everyone should be.
I like how this is presented as some unique cruelty by the Soviets, as though Nazis themselves didn't pull bullshit like that on people they invaded (there are accounts of them doing shit exactly like that -- and far worse -- in books like The Pianist).
on one hand, torture bad and this is literally whataboutism
on the other he was SS i couldn't have less empathy for them
I have no idea if this is true, but physical and psychological torture like this never sits well with me. I don't care who he was or what he did, doing horrible things to another human being out of pure enjoyment is never a good thing.
Yeah, I prefer when the communists just shot them and wrapped it up.
I don't think teaching a population to be docile through torture, intimidation and fear can ever be a good thing.
"ooh! ooh! Now play Lil Nas X's 'Montero'!"
"please, I'm begging you, make it stop!"
"keep complaining and I'll make it 'WAP'"
"Play Spooky Scary Skeletons just to add a touch of irony"
Speed but with a piano and the bomb blows up if the guy playing it plays below 120 bpm