murdering brown people for corporate profit but it's 🥺👉👈 intersectionally ✨✨
This guy is a straight up fascist. Raytheon just did the standard lib "inclusivity" thing and he's freaking out because he thinks they should just kill all the minorities.
Also he's one of those "Asian wife" bros.
Last summer, Raytheon CEO Greg Hayes launched the Stronger Together campaign instructing employees
naming our campaign after one of the weakest points of the biggest faceplants in modern US history
Listen you stupid leftist, I paid $10M to poll test this slogan and by fucking god I'm going to use it.
I wouldn't trust anything put out by this crypto fash pos
Holy Nazis batman, what the fuck is a Manhattan Institute? They're straight up spreading "Judeo Bolshevik" style propaganda
MI is a think tank whose mission is to develop and disseminate new ideas that foster greater economic choice and individual responsibility. #IdeasMatter
I'm shocked that the libertarian think tank is cryptofash, shocked!
Wow why does Raytheon calling for the abolition of the police scare the shit out of me