• culpritus [any]
    7 months ago

    the stainless steel exoskeleton can't protect you from the shame you feel when you catch your diffused reflection in the flat body panels

  • Feinsteins_Ghost [he/him]
    7 months ago

    jesus. somehow, that thing is even uglier out amongst the hustle and bustle of every day urban life.


      • MTLion3@lemm.ee
        7 months ago

        For real. Who ever actually thought this thing was aesthetically appealing?

        • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
          7 months ago

          Me against my better judgement, but now I'm seeing why all the ads showed it in a broad expanse of desert: this shit looks goofy next to anything normal

            • blobjim [he/him]
              7 months ago

              People don't talk enough about just how ugly almost every car actually is. I assume it's partially just because the car body needs to fit to the actual machinery inside it, but most cars have really overdone styling that exists for no functional purpose. At least the cybertruck doesn't have a ton of pointless detailing. So many cars seem like they're just random bumps and lines for no reason.

              • Saeculum [he/him, comrade/them]
                7 months ago

                Cars look largely the same as each other now not because of mechanical limitations, you can move the engine around if you like, and the frame can be pretty much whatever shape you want it to be. The big limitation is safety standards. There are only so many ways you can engineer a metal and plastic box to meet all the various requirements.

      • the_kid
        7 months ago

        it'll fit in pretty well among the throng of lifted F350s rolling coal

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    The good thing about Teslas is that they’re a good signifier of who to avoid, mock, and/or ostracize at social events. Before you had to spend many days to get to know someone before finding out they’re the biggest rubes, and now you just gotta mention Tesla or Musk and see how they respond.

  • dasusernem@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    Am I crazy or is he just pushing this shitbox out despite all the hate simply in hopes that he gets the Delorean / Back to the Future treatment when the next generations faun over the Cybertruck?

    Like most of his best laid plans, I hope that never actually comes to fruition. Future humans, I’m looking at you!

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    7 months ago

    The novelty is gone, you aren’t any happier.

    I actually think this is true for all cars. Buying any vehicle beyond your basic needs is a huge waste. I used to work with a guy who owned an Audi R8. We’d get lunch together often and he’d drive. First time or two was pretty cool, it’s a nice car. But after that, it was just a way to get to where we were going and the actual experience of driving was basically no different from riding around in my Corolla. Coworker seemed just as bored with it as I was. Sure you can go really fast, like how someone who owns an SUV can go offroad. But 99% of driving in the US is just commuting or running errands. Autos are just status symbols in the US, nothing more. And like all status symbols, they don’t make you one iota happier.

      • quarrk [he/him]
        7 months ago

        It depends on where you live and the kind of roads. If you are often on two-lane twisty roads like much of the east coast US or even UK, then a small low-power sports car is a ton of fun and makes it more fun to go on errands. When I had a Miata, it made me happy every time I drove it. It has sporty dynamics (including an amazing gearbox, suspension, and weight balance), looks cool, and the roof comes off. And at the end of the day it's literally a Mazda 3 in terms of the hardware, fuel efficiency, and maintenance costs.

        But yea... I wouldn't buy an R8 just to be blueballed hitting illegal speeds in 2nd gear.

        • TomBombadil [he/him, she/her]
          7 months ago

          Miata gang stay winning. The mountain roads I gotta drive are super fun. Plus it was cheap as fuck compared to any other.sports car.

    • quarrk [he/him]
      7 months ago

      But 99% of driving in the US is just commuting or running errands.

      If I'm going to do those things, might as well do it in a fun car. The key is that the car is actually fun, and not simply a status symbol that you can't afford and will get old fast.

  • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    The only solution is to get onto the waiting list for the CYBERTRUCK 2.0! That'll fix that empty void inside of me!

  • FnordPrefect [comrade/them, he/him]
    7 months ago

    You think you saw a car full of teens

    my-hero "This is why my brilliant1 design makes such substantial use of emotional support blindspots. The losers and haters that want to mock you will have to try very hard to do so from a position you will actually see"

    1. Stolen from his child's uncarved pinewood derby block
    • makunamatata@discuss.tchncs.de
      7 months ago

      Pinewood derby block indeed!

      Imagine how many pinewood derby Cybertrucks will be made this derby season by all the cub scouts dads out there.

  • D61 [any]
    7 months ago

    This think looks like what Xtreme! computer mouse was supposed to look like in the late 90's.

  • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    The novelty is gone, you aren’t any happier.

    Having used a robust public transportation system at a reasonable price point, I felt something. I yearn to go back

  • LanyrdSkynrd [he/him]
    7 months ago

    The stupidest part of this thing will be the repair costs and corresponding insurance rates. A shopping cart ding can't be repaired with Bondo and paint. Nor can it be repaired by normal paintless dent repair tools because it's 3mm stainless steel. Basically any accident will require panel replacement, since there's only a few shops in the whole country that can repair stainless steel body panels.

    A fender repair that would cost $1500 on a normal vehicle will cost $10k. I'm sure we'll see parking lot accidents that total one of these.

  • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    I think at some point during the design stage, maybe in a presentation, someone uploaded a copy of the spec in the background of a selfie and cropped themselves out. Maybe they couldn't remember what filename to search for for the original file. I can think of no other explanation as to why this car is backwards. They even forgot to delete the headlights from the rear end after they had grifted their way into saving their job after a smashing bender. Or maybe a potential shareholder said, this isn't going to be as dangerous to kids as other trucks, is it, where the driver can't see the first 5m in front of the damn thing? And the intern ad libbed, hoping to get promoted for saving the project by suggesting the potential shareholder was looking at it backwards.