Stay strapped yall
Even the chuds know this isn't what they're actually afraid of, but they also know that putting black protestors in the picture is a real bad look...
sneaking up behind you with a machete
I thought that was supposed to be his overactive son in a blue line mask
right below that is a blurb about whether the M1 Carbine is still viable, so yes, these people are meta-gaming the collapse of empire
I'm thinking they're more the Cod crowd. Wait till they find out that waiting behind a chest high wall does not, in fact, make your gaping chest wound go away.
It's chud speak. Yes, they do kinda treat it like a video game. To them it's this idea of like... almost solidarity, but only among like a small number of chuds. These survivalist types get about halfway to understanding how real survival works: they know you need community if you're going to survive, but then their community is made exclusively of other white chuds because they subscribe to this idea that as soon as some minor apocalypse happens, it'll turn to "tribal warfare" and roaming gangs of coloured folk are gonna be around.
Won't anyone think of the real victims of the recent unrest in America, the white nuclear family? :sadness:
what i'm learning from this is that, as a member of antifa, i need my own mossberg shockwave, which is great, cuz i've been looking for an excuse to get one
Shattering your wrists to own the chuds.
(no srsly, buy one with a proper stock)
There are much cheaper pump actions that go bang and have a stock with the possibility of tube extensions
How to build your tribe
These mags always make the breakdown of society sound like it’s the Walking Dead, instead of people shitting their pants 24/7.
What is the typical fate of these types of people when a society collapses? Like, really privileged fragile people with a completely warped worldview barreling headfirst into reality.
Watch any prepper shit and it's usually going to be a very swift death lmao, they stock up on like weeks worth of dried goods but don't have community defence, they all believe in some weird barter system but like, of one exclusive good. I've seen shit of people building and storing massive amounts of say, apple cider, and just assuming they'll be able to trade afterwards for everything with just jugs of cider.
That's what happens when the only SHTF scenarios you prep for are Civil War 2 and The Walking Dead. And even if the kind of scenario that these people fantasize about would happen, it'd just make them walking loot boxes, because in that kind of situation the prime target is obviously the guy carrying 5000$ worth of tactical gear on himself at all times.
Or just what's happening right now as the reactionaries leverage their fragile white male egos to expedite the collapse of society.
If you feel safe and comfortable doing so, learning how to use a firearm and picking up community defense practices (which is mostly about avoiding shooting anyone) are great praxis. We're going to need armed comrades to survive - and make no mistake, they're going to come for us first, not the other way around.
PS don't feel any guilt if you aren't comfortable doing so, there are many other things to do. We just need those who are comfortable to be "ready" and building communities that are "ready".
And if you don't feel comfortable with it (or
evenespecially if you are) you should take a Stop the Bleed class and get an IFAK to carry around with you.Honestly it's more important/efficient to have that IFAK or at least a good quality tourniquet and know how to stop bleeding. Pack gunshot wounds, get your finger in there.
I wish I could own a gun. As a trans woman, it would probably help me feel somewhat safer, but I also know my depression and suicidal thoughts are too significant that it would be too dangerous to own something I could hurt myself that easily and quickly with.
100% mental health comes first over owning a gun, there are other forms of self defense that can protect you from both other people and the possibility of self harm
One of the best forms of self defense is a lot of friends with guns
yeah, like a katana and a house booby-trapped like its home alone
It's rough, I have a number of guns but I've had a couple times where I've had to turn them all over to a friend.
You gotta be ready for middle-aged women sneaking up behind you while someone distracts you with a skateboard. Definitely check your six whenever you see a skateboard
god dang antifa superonins coming for. your families
Isn't the Antifa supersoldier wielding a skateboard a reference to the :le-pol-face: BLM shooter from Wisconsin last year? Didn't he get shot or maimed