37 week training course just to get clapped by an angry farmer with his rusty AK.
37 weeks to drive the boat to watch your super Merc friends get caught by a Cuban fisherman and drink their own piss
Well it's all part of that internalised misogyny you see with those "no I'm one of the boys, girls are so bitchy" type people isn't it. They just rationalise away these attacks as "I'm sure she was asking for it, probably lead them on or is lying about it - I'm not like those idiots, I'll be fine".
So desperate for the approval of hyper masculine men to sate their daddy issues they'll risk rape and murder, very cool.
meanwhile the US's enemies have had women in combat and armed since the 1930s :comintern:
the mexican revolution had female soldiers, and some of them likely could have fought the expedition against pancho villa US forces did
Thinking about how the first woman in space was chosen because she had done a ton of parachute jumps in the Red Army, which was an extremely relevant skill to have for the first Cosmonauts.
Wow cool congrats, now you can murder women and children along with the boys.
i hope after a liberal informs on me the lady executioner will carry out the sentence by crushing my skull with a small wet pop between her massive chun li thighs
Allright I'm calling the @VolcelPolice on you and opening an incognito window
Excellent work, but we're going to have to ask you to close that incognito window
Unfortunately for you, you have been sentenced to mandatory dehornification, and that doesn't involve any skull crushing :volcel-judge:
"Naval Special Warfare combattant-craft crewman"
Modern job titles are bullshit
Killing / getting killed by your best buds in the military over $2000 and some crack is for the ladies too!