why the FUCK would anyone do a HUMANE GENOCIDE

wow the fertility rate dropped by 1% when adjusted for east asian trends? they still have a fertility rate higher than the rest of east asia? that is truly evil! surely the rate will continue to fall until uighurs are all phased out! just you wait, itll only take around 100 years for that to happen if the rate continues to drop! a very humane genocide taking 100 years, which has nebulous benefits? sign everyone up!

  • fed [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    i think the actual dem / :LIB: "argument" people have is china is conducting a "cultural genocide" by rooting out extremism/reactionary traditionalism in Uyghurs and sending them to reeducation camps where they learn to assimilate to Han Chinese monoculture.

    This argument is dumb and racist because these people are literally assigning extremism and reactionary traditions to the Uyghur people as a whole instead of any material analysis. Although China does select people "dispositioned to extremist thought" to be sent to vocational training centers, China themselves states that these vocational training facilities are key in rooting out extremism / terrorism in the cgtn documentary below.


    • queenjamie [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Bruh I saw Emma on the Majority Report recently say "at the very least it's a cultural genocide"..... major brainworms

      • BelovedOldFriend [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Yeah they really do need someone who is critical of The Narrative to come on and school them.

        • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
          3 years ago

          What's that, a voice dissenting from MSM narrative on my ostensibly left media platform?

          Best I can do is Nomiki "We couldn't have done anything differently in Libya" Konst.

          • BelovedOldFriend [he/him]
            3 years ago

            It's good that she's been absent lately doing god-knows-what in Puerto Rico, because I absolutely have made it a habit to stop watching when she arrives.

            Weird arc for her. When I first learned of her, she was yelling fiercely and righteously at the Democrats for having a corrupt party machine that pays consultants to lose elections. Now? Not so great!

      • ssjmarx [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Cultural Genocide like we did to American Indians would be taking kids from their parents, banning practice of their ancestral religion, cutting off all contact with their original community, etc. Those kinds of actions are already included in the UN's definition of "genocide".

        They use the term "cultural genocide" because it's not defined anywhere, so it can mean whatever they want.

      • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        only after also actually genociding them, and also extinctifying multiple animals in an attempt to genocide them.

        "General Sherman remarked that the quickest way to compel the Indians to settle down to civilized life was to send soldiers to the plains, with orders to shoot buffaloes until they became too scarce to support the Indians."

        When you genocide 1/3 of humanity but it's not going fast enough so you also genocide an animal to hasten the other genocide

  • medium_adult_son [he/him]
    3 years ago

    How many people in the middle east has the US displaced? They killed about a million people in Iraq and used weapons that left behind toxic or radioactive substances that are still giving babies birth defects to this day.

    I just bring up endless facts about Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan to any lib that tries to call what China is doing to people radicalized through mosques and reading materials supplied by the US puppet regime in Saudi Arabia as a genocide.

  • flowernet [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    the 2020 book The War on The Uighurs is really badly written and lays out of a lot of interesting contradictions. For example, education is at once both widely imposed on uyghurs to assimilate them, but also too exclusive and inaccessible, keeping them marginalized. they cite as evidence the fact China has reduced the number of free points Uighurs get on national exams from 50 points to 15, which if that was the case it wouldn't make sense to give them preferential scoring at all. but then this argument becomes even more confusing, because he goes on to say when the brightest Uighurs do get accepted they are being assimilated by attending schools with mandarin classes and han schoolmates (and every university in China has a Halal Canteen). In short the CCP is keeping too many Uyghurs from enrolling in the schools that are being used to erase their identity.


    " A more disturbing campaign to change the Uyghur human terrain involves the educational system in the Uyghur region. While the process of making the schools in the region teach exclusively in Chinese had been underway since the early 2000s, changes in 2017 served to create one education path of assimilation for a few of the brightest Uyghurs while promoting a path of marginalization for the majority. As for all students in China, Uyghurs’ educational and career paths are determined by their performance on a nationwide exam taken between eighth grade and high school. Those who pass are given a standard academic high school education, and those who do not are relegated to vocational schools. While the transition to all-Chinese-language instruction had already required Uyghur students to take this exam in Chinese and attend high school or vocational training in the Chinese language, affirmative action programs encouraging the integration of Uyghurs into PRC society had long given them a 50-point advantage on their test grade. In 2017, this advantage was slashed to 15 points, thus dramatically reducing the number of Uyghurs attending academic high schools.107

    As a result, high schools in the Uyghur region now have a much higher proportion of Han students, providing for a more assimilation-ist experience for those Uyghurs who do get admitted. Furthermore, since such schools are mostly located in urban areas, the rural Uyghur students who do get admitted must study in boarding school environments, which further separate them from their culture and language.108 For those who do not get admitted, they are generally relegated to the new system of coerced labor connected to the internment camps through the ‘surplus rural labor’ program and its ‘reeducation lite’ curriculum or sent to work and be simultaneously re-educated in larger factories in inner China. Thus, whichever path they are afforded, this system assumes that their future will be much less ingrained in Uyghur culture than that of their parents "

    another very funny section is where he discusses Xinjiang Preschools, and desperately tries to read something sinister into the statistics that China is building exactly enough daycares for the number of students that are expected to enroll (Preschools were overcrowded by 400,000+ students previously), because it must be all their parents are in prison and they need new facilities to keep their children in custody.


    " Adrian Zenz has done ground-breaking research on this subject and has found that Chen Quanguo’s administration may have had plans for massive forced intergenerational separation even prior to the establishment of the mass internment camps. According to Zenz, Chen had already established in his first month in office a plan to institute universal preschool for the children of the Uyghur region within the course of a year.109 However, the actual implementation of this plan not surprisingly corresponds with 2017, the year that mass internment began. By late February 2017, the government began construction of 4,387 preschools that were intended to serve 562,900 new students, particularly in the south of the Uyghur homeland, with a completion deadline before the beginning of the 2017–2018 school year.110 While this goal itself appeared ambitious, it is noteworthy that during the 2017–2018 school year, the number of children enrolled in preschool was far greater than this target. While the total preschool intake target for the region in fall 2017 had been around one million, the actual number enrolled was closer to 1.4 million.111 Furthermore, Zenz suggests that a substantial number of these new preschool students appeared to attend institutions with the capacity to house boarding students from a very early age. "

    • TeethOrCoat [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      For example, education is at once both widely imposed on uyghurs to assimilate them, but also too exclusive and inaccessible, keeping them marginalized.

      Why is it always the same pattern?

      • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
        3 years ago

        Because it's not meant to make sense, it's meant to be "woke" in order to get squishy succdems to hate China. Language like "assimilationist" or the idea that Uyghur students going to school with "too many" Hans reeks of someone trying to get your lizard brain (we're all nothing but trendy ass radlib posers here, let's keep it :100-com: ;) ) to draw parallels to black students in the American education system and hint at the residential school system with zero context for Xinjiang's actual situation.

        • TeethOrCoat [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          Appreciate the mini effort post 😄. My comment was actually a rhetorical question referencing Michael Parenti's words on anti-communism.

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      3 years ago

      China is building exactly enough daycares for the number of students that are expected to enroll

      Xi Jinping, my country yearns for freedom rational economic planning.

  • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    3 years ago

    Reminder comrades, the UN definition of genocide:

    Killing members of the group;

    Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

    Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

    Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

    Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

    Not even the nazi dude who hates gay and chinese people can claim what's happening in Xianjiang is a genocide. That's why they're adding new other words to it like "cultural genocide"

    Also it's offensive as shit to claim the schools are anything like what happened at actual genocidal residential schools while we're digging up hundreds of indigenous children's bodies from those still.

    • BigRed [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      A 2021 video of a public Uyghur school in Xinjiang. There are still legitimate issues in Xinjiang with uneven development and some draconian counter-terrorism policies that I'm not a fan of, but the neocons/sinophobes can't stop shooting themselves in the foot with these hyperbolic accusations and atrocity propaganda that fall apart under scrutiny.

      • TeethOrCoat [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        some draconian counter-terrorism policies that I’m not a fan of

        I'm going to assume you're a counter-terrorism expert. What exactly do you think is draconian and what do you think can be done better? What are your solutions taking into account the local conditions in XJ and taking into account foreign backing of terrorist groups by the imperialist power?

  • MarxMadness [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    the fertility rate dropped by 1% when adjusted for east asian trends

    Got a link on this handy? A few times I've pointed out to someone that the fertility rate in Xinjiang has dropped only to the level of developed countries, but this context is even better.

    • kristina [she/her]
      3 years ago

      god i went down the rabbit hole of sources and finally found something and lost the link, ill ask my bf if he has it. it was just official census data from china and you can adjust it based on regional stats from other countries

    • kristina [she/her]
      3 years ago

      it was actual chinese census data that everyone claims supports their position but it doesnt at all especially if you compare it to other countries and regions in east asia