It really doesn't matter how many mental gymnastics you do, it isn't going to stop me and the houselessgang from putting mollys through the windows of your favorite streamers bougie house and taking all his shit when the power goes out, feel me

  • Shrek
    3 years ago

    deleted by creator

  • fed [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    anyone shitting on content creators buying a house instead of permanently renting is a radlib

    literally same as the chud’s saying “Bernie 3 houses, wrote book”

    twitch streamers work for amazon and have their labor exploited. just like sex workers on other platforms.

      • fed [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        why does it matter? why does the aesthetics of his house matter? should no leftist own a home? what is the proper leftist tm* house value to own? this entire conversation is ducking dumb, he can do what he wants with his money, he advocates for leftist causes and donates to them aswell. His house is for him, his family, and is his place or work.

        Bernie has more value invested in property rofl.

        A 3 million dollar house isn’t even that crazy for someone making as much as hasan, if he has good credit he could buy something 3-4x as expensive

          • fed [none/use name]
            3 years ago

            the real question is why leftists care/get mad lmao

            just shows an infantile obsession with aesthetics over actually theory

              • Mrtryfe [none/use name]
                3 years ago

                Well OP does state that 'when the power goes out'...

                And with the current trajectory, rest assured that when the power does go out, I'd wager no one is checking for card carrying socialists, especially with left movements in the US as represented

        • mrbigcheese [he/him]
          3 years ago

          ppl have every right to be mad at how millionaires squander their wealth, its literally not an issue that people are mad online at Hasan whos just some rich asshole. what i hate is millionaires acting persecuted and surprised when people have some problem with how they use their wealth, like give me a break ya ppl should be more mad at millionaires including the leftist ones its not like any of them are doing enough so who cares? Hasan acting like the world is too unfair to him is hilarious, youre literally a millionaire bro youll be fine jfc just throw a couple grand at few different socialist orgs and stuff and ppl will be like oh ok

            • mrbigcheese [he/him]
              3 years ago

              i dont give a fuck what he spends his money on cause i never had any expectations from him doing anything useful with it or whatever, its not like hes ever pretended to be some revolutionary movement leader the guys just a rich ass and ppl being angry at him is a non issue, you definitely wont catch me telling people how they should feel about it

        • space_comrade [he/him]
          3 years ago

          why does it matter?

          It doesn't matter hugely, I realize this is a terminally online discussion but why do people think that there should be absolutely no such thing as leftist money-spending culture and what's considered to be in good taste?

          Is it fine for self-proclaimed socialists to buy yachts and mansions and have a bunch of servants pampering them?

          I realize self-flaggelation over your wealth is pointless but come on there's gotta be a line you just don't cross. Did Hasan cross that line? I don't know, maybe, but let's not pretend it doesn't matter at all how a leftist spends their money.

          • fed [none/use name]
            3 years ago

            Is it fine for self-proclaimed socialists to buy yachts and mansions and have a bunch of servants pampering them?

            there is a clear distinction between buying a house well within your means for your family, that is also your place of work, and buying a yacht and servents. People are acting like this is a mansion or something but its just a kinda nice house in LA lmao

    • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
      3 years ago

      Yeah you're allowed to have money under socialism, you're even allowed to have a lot of money, as long as you obtained it via ethical means and are taxed appropriately

      Hasan didn't exploit anyone's labor afaik and being taxed isn't under his control so idk why buying a big house somehow makes him less of a socialist

      • fed [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        most people become millionaires in net worth through wage labor, I’m simply actually looking at this through a Marxist perspective, somthing rad libs who only care about leftist aesthetics apparently can’t do. you can only be a leftist if you are poor and not happy apparently. Fuck giving your family nice things

          • TheFuckYouOnAbout [hy/hym]
            3 years ago

            Lmao believe me salary work is not what it's cracked up to be they get to work you to the bone for what amounts to less than minimum wage for the hours you work

          • fed [none/use name]
            3 years ago

            I’m not exactly following your slavery and wage labor distinction, I think wage labor works because it is now expected you receive benefits from your job in addition to wage. Plus using the term slavery labor makes ppl think it would be worse than wage labor, but you are using the term for the upper earners of laborers

            But yeah people in the west benefit from the imperial core, you can make the argument any leftist who owns a house here could be sending that money to poorer people in the global south, that any western leftist above poverty should send any excess income to others. This is where the every leftist who isn’t poor is actually a capitalist/taking advantage of ppl right wing talking point comes from.

          • fed [none/use name]
            3 years ago

            you are just wrong lol, most millionaires become that through wage labor. nurses, doctors, athletes, engineers, gasp content creators/actors, higher wage labor like that. Most are not business owners

            • InternetLefty [he/him]
              3 years ago

              If they use their high wages to invest, buy and rent real estate, then yeah that can happen.

              Also... This may be true in the first world, but I wonder if this is true elsewhere?

              • Mrtryfe [none/use name]
                3 years ago

                Probably not, and this has been well discussed by Lenin and other MLs in regards to the labor aristocracy and where they stand in relation to the proletariat and the top dawgs

                Neither we nor anyone else can calculate precisely what portion of the proletariat is following and will follow the social chauvinists and opportunists. This will be revealed only by the struggle, it will be definitely decided only by the socialist revolution.

    • Anna_KOC [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      Nobody gives a shit about buying a house, it's getting paid off of advocating for liberal democrats. Same goes for Bernie.

          • fed [none/use name]
            3 years ago

            ok? and if we had Bernie rn over Biden millions of people would have better material conditions, advocating for socialism doesn’t mean you can’t advocate for things that will help people right now

            • Anna_KOC [comrade/them]
              3 years ago

              He was never seriously running, otherwise he might have mentioned getting ratfucked like any normal human being would

              • fed [none/use name]
                3 years ago

                that's something only bernie can know lol, and he did mention his treatment in the media. idk how this reflects on people supporting his candadency

                • Anna_KOC [comrade/them]
                  3 years ago

                  Did he call out the party and Obama? Did he call for an independent party? The people supporting his candidacy were neatly funneled into voting straight ticket democrats.

                  • fed [none/use name]
                    3 years ago

                    Did he call out the party and Obama?

                    Yes he shits on dems literally every stream,

                    Did he call for an independent party?

                    no because that's literally useless in the US and everyone knows that, any 3rd party would mean dems and repubs just collaborate more to maintain their duopoly

                    • fed [none/use name]
                      3 years ago

                      oh i thought you were talking about hasan, why would bernie call out the party and Obama lol? he would be ostracized and get nothing in return other than lefties pogging

                        • fed [none/use name]
                          3 years ago

                          meh he got some stuff in the bills the senate has passed since biden got in that actually helps people. Like rn he is the chair of the budget committee which has helped pass larger bills that help more ppl bc you don't have a deficit hawk like Manchin in there dictating things, which would be the case if he attacked the party

                          it has legislative jurisdiction in the areas of taxes, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and some other entitlements

                          that's where I want a soc dem if anywhere rofl

                    • Anna_KOC [comrade/them]
                      3 years ago

                      I was talking about Bernie and if you're not willing to withhold your vote then the Dems have no reason to not collaborate with the Republicans anyways

                      • fed [none/use name]
                        3 years ago

                        and if you do withhold your vote nothing changes anyway, dems don't care if republicans win, it just means more fundraising money. I'd rather the people that pretend to care about social issues over the "we are racist, vote for us if you are racist" party

  • knipexcrunch [he/him]
    3 years ago

    This is the thing people have chosen to care about this week. 17 day old account, lol.

    You could be throwing "mollys" through oil exec windows, yet you choose online drama.

    • bockwad [he/him]
      3 years ago

      When a 17 day old account stirs up shit. :gulag:

    • wantonviolins [they/them]
      3 years ago

      why would I throw my precious drugs through the window of someone who definitely already has better drugs than me

  • polinoas235 [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    I feel like the real reason people are angry is because a hand full of upper class kids with shitloads of expensive stuff is now the biggest physical representation of the US left's efforts post Bernie. Had any of the reforms actually passed or hell if there was even a visible effort to try and pass anything nobody would care about the houses. I honestly hope people do realize so much of this shit is a complete waste of money and try other things so we don't spend years building another TYT.

    • jabrd [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Watching Hasan makes me depressed because he’s one of the biggest “left” figures in the US and he’s still such. a. fucking. lib. It kills me to watch his streams. Matt’s the only good poster left and I’m still waiting to have my heart broken

  • Spike [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Rich lib buys a mansion, how is anyone surprised by this?

    Also laughable that anyone is talking about stealing their shit. Gates, Bezos and Musk all have properties that can be found on Google easily, don't see anyone going after them. Grow up.

  • Haste_Hall [he/him]
    3 years ago


    I am a communist.

  • staplegun [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Again they buy the right's fucking framing and run with it hook line and sinker. How are they such gullible rubes, every. single. time.

    • staplegun [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      How has the left been so bad at communicating that this talking point ain't such a slam dunk and that someone might have addressed it before. Is anyone stepping up to say that Engles wasn't communist since he had money despite his work (and bankrolling Marx, lol)?

  • sandinista209 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Lol, the whole Hasan drama is terminally online shit. A wealthy lib entertainer is buying a house. Who tf cares.

  • NewAccountWhoDis [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Everyone should have a nice house and stable access to necessities like food and healthcare. A house should be the basics, don't be mad someone has one be mad that others don't.

    • Shitbird [any]
      3 years ago

      dis site haz lotsuv shetpoostrs bmf iz 1 uv maney