Just like how milennials are just renting because they simply love not being "tied down", Gen Z will now not have a full time job as they don't want to be "tied down".
"Is the Solution to Homelessness a Home in Your Workplace?
Meet The revolutionary new startup that provides the homeless with housing and food in exchange for their work"
Isn’t this basically the plot of Sorry to Bother You?
Such a good movie. If anyone here hasn't watched it yet you need to stop horsing around at watch it right now.
Not really, more like a company town where they turn you into a bipedal horse
I thought polywork is when people work two full time jobs at home and don't tell either employer and just fucking milk the clock til they get fired from one or both because fuck it
That's a fantastic grift for those who can manage it, but reading the article it's not talking about that. It's trying to put a positive spin on having to work multiple jobs either because they don't give you enough hours or they don't give you enough pay.
If you can get two wfh jobs, it's awesome. Why full-ass one job when you can half-ass two jobs? You're only productive about two hours a day on those jobs anyways.
I had family shocked McDonald's was offering 15 an hour, until I told them they only gave any worker like 10 hours.
I've thought about that, but I'm not sure I could juggle that. But for a programming job, it seems feasible and seems like you could make a shit ton.
Imagine the author being tried in a revolutionary tribunal and having an article like this introduced as evidence against them.
Sentenced to 5 days in the GULAG, to be served in 1 hours block at various GULAGs scattered across hundreds of km from each other with at most 24 hours advance notice of the times and locations
Oooof. I knew it would be bad when the leader of the journalists' soviet testified against them.
Rise and grind culture
Millennial killing the solo job industry!!!
People absolutely love to have a degree, 3 jobs, and be constantly moving! They hate having free time, rest or a sense of community, they despite it, actually!!
Is this one of those weird co-opting things where someone saw that millennials were into polyamory and decided to just appropriate that but for work
What's going to be astroturfed next? Being sexually attracted to having a boss extract surplus value from you? Inb4 wapo op-ed on being "boss-sexual" or something
Furry is used as a synonym for anthropomorphic, which includes furries, scalies, etc. Similar to how classical music refers to baroque music, classical music, romantic music, etc.
That was just a bit though. I'm a tanuki of course.