all states are class dictatorships but only one class wants to abolish class entirely: choose your fighter
I agree but you dont even have to frame it with buzzwords like authoritarianism, especially when approaching 99% of people,even leftists. Just the obvious. We need
A. Not a dictatorship of the Bourgeois
B. Central planning
C. Ability to enforce and coordinate measures and decisions regarding changes in infastructure and socioeconomic structures across continent scales quckly and efficiently, even if sometimes they go against what a majority of the population would vote for at any given time or what would arise from communities or towns deciding what to do themselves for themselves
Of course this in practice will look like what chud/liberal americans and even anti-authoritarian leftists refer to today or historicaly as "authoritarianism" (in the latter case cause it wont be based on horizontal direct democratic non coersive structures) . But same would have been said if we talked with these people about the chinese response and measures to the corona before it happened, a response that turns out is as good as anything we can concieve at these scales on our current world and saved millions of lives .
"authoritarianism" is usually just used as a western buzzword for "strong state intervention". Climate change definitely requires some intense state intervention, from multiple states. Private capital interests have prevented any change from happening but you don't necessarily need an actual dictator and shit just to get some climate emergency programs.
Hard to disagree. The pandemic has shown that the majority of people would literally rather die than be mildly inconvenienced, so trusting the general public to make good long-term decisions seems borderline idiotic at this point.
Good, that's what neoliberals want you to think. The only authoritarianism we need is nationalizing energy companies and the auto industry (to get rid of them). FOH with this consent for "climate lockdowns", forced "degrowth" for the working class and fortress borders.
:sadness: Fuck, there is a large homeless population in NYC. I hate to think about what's happening to them right now.
The bad news is they're probably miserable. The good news is the flooding is very localized so they're not drowning.
Nah, there are plenty of people out on the streets at night. A lot of them are afraid of the shelters, or are too mentally ill to seek them out.
(and if you can't get shelter you freeze to death during winter, so...)
NYC Department of Homeless Services claims that they house 90% of the homeless population. They do have a large system of semi-permanent shelters, many of which have private bedrooms. NYC's program is way way better than most US cities. Here is a census report from 8/31.
in communist countries governments cannot maintain basic infrastructure during everyday weather events
yeah those white girls definitely swam home tonight
shit is inconveniencing whites at this point so maybe we'll stop burning carbon soon idk
That literally had my jaw dropping. That situation is terrifying, holy shit.
NYC National Weather Service issues first Flash Flood Emergency; wettest hour ever in Central Park
wettest hour ever in Central Park
until we get Chris Matthews there amirite folks
Didn't Central Park have it's wettest hour a couple weeks ago too?
wettest hour ever in Central Park
bring a bucket and a mop, that some wet ass park
I will have you know that my wife is a park ranger and she has seen it rain much more than this.
east coast is basically going to transform into a huge storm wracked wetland
This would all be good for a laugh if it was happening on the Gulf Coast. They deserved it...etc. But it's happening in NYC so it's no laughing matter.
It still pisses me off that Hurricane Sandy got a "Superstorm" prefix just because it hit NYC.
Jesus. What was it about the sign of empires collapsing when they fail to deal with recurring crises? Shit like this will happen all over the US at a higher frequency and either the rulers will keep their profits and let the empire crumble and people die, or they lose their profits at the expense of people's lives
I wonder which one it will be :sadness-abysmal:
I got home a few hours ago. The place I worked at closed at regular hours. I'm seeing some crazy videos of the subways getting flooded. Hope everyone is alright.
holy shit flash flood warning issued
It's full on flash flood emergency warning, which has never been issued before.
FEMA just reworked the national flood insurance protection to make it "more financial solvent" (ie. Raised premiums and make it act like a private company). Private companies usually don't offer flood insurance because it costs them too much when a flood happens, which is why the fucking government used to subsidize it but no more. People living in coastal areas are essentially just fucked now.
To be clear... this particular warning for NYC is the second time we've ever issued a Flash Flood Emergency (It's the first one for NYC). The first time we've issued a Flash Flood Emergency was for Northeast New Jersey a an hour ago.