my new years resolution is to get gayer. i'm pretty satisfied with the level of trans i'm on, though i might get my gender legally changed. i do want to update my wardrobe a bit (my fashion sense has evolved since i first really did that post coming out) but money is very expensive

what are all of you hoping for this year?

  • Ananasova [she/her]
    1 year ago

    i have pretty big plans for this year

    • finally start HRT, it's my priority number one, and i really really really hope i will manage to do that
    • keep making friends with other trans people trans-heart, before 2023 ended i met with local trans folks from my town, and it was the first time ever i met someone like me irl, i was very shy and didn't talk much but i hope next time we meet i will be more open, i also have trans friends that i met online, unfortunately we wouldn't be able to meet irl soon because we are from different countries but i can spend time with them online and i want to do that more often. Also it's seems that there is a lot of lovely people here on hexbear, i am not very active here but i hope i can fix that, maybe i will find new friends here!
    • come out to my older brother and maybe to some other people, it's the hardest goal and i am very scared to do that but i hope i have enough bravery for this and everything will be alright, if my brother will accept me it will make me so happy, i love him but we are becoming more distant from each other because i have to hide my identity, it would be amazing if i will be able to be myself with him
    • be consistent with voice training: i started voice training a few times but i keep abandoning it and this makes me feel bad trans-sad so i am gonna to do exercises right now!
    • Cromalin [she/her]
      1 year ago

      godspeed!!!! in my experience you make irl trans friends by being autistic about anime in front of them but i cannot guarantee that succeeding so my advice is to simply be yourself

      i really hope coming out goes well, i believe in you! you can do it! and you can keep to the voice training too!

      • Ananasova [she/her]
        1 year ago

        cat-trans thank you! i think some of trans that i met watches anime so i might try that! it's hard for me to just be myself because i got used to suppress my feelings but i will keep trying!