I'm talking a level of control that would make the liberal conception of Stalin blush.

Context? Material conditions? Up to you. Maybe you just finished leading the revolution to victory, maybe you got :vote:d into this position, maybe you just woke up in another timeline, I don't care

  • micnd90 [he/him,any]
    2 years ago

    Why yes, I would fulfill comrade Bernard's dream and execute Chris Matthews in Central Park, NY

  • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    Climate Stalin. Priority #1 is decarbonizing as quickly as possible. We’re talking WW2 Soviet Union levels of command.

    Establish a council of climate scientists to have nearly unilateral power to override other government decisions and implement necessary solutions.

    Immediately cease all fossil fuel extraction until an analysis can be done to figure out the exact minimum we need (obviously don’t want people freezing to death during the transition).

    Ban the building of new cars or roads.

    Convert basically every suitable factory to manufacture solar panels, wind turbines, and mother things necessary for decarbonization, not just of the US but the world. Begin exporting these products at little to no cost to the global south.

    Begin building a massive number of nuclear power plants, and upgrade our electrical grid to handle climate catastrophes.

    Build an expansive network of both freight and passenger rail, with the goal of nearly eliminating both air travel and interstate trucking. Trucks should exclusively be for last mile delivery from train to destination. If there’s currently a highway there, there should be a rail line, whether that’s in addition or replacement.

    Build massive amounts of public housing in urban cores, and begin the evacuation and destruction of the suburbs. Begin with areas of suburb with the highest carbon footprints, which is likely the wealthiest areas. In these areas cease upkeep of infrastructure and repair of buildings - When your house starts to break that means it’s your turn to move to the city. Replant abandoned suburbs with trees to act as a carbon sink.

    Begin a slow and near total evacuation of the state of Florida, with the goal of having few to no people at least in the most at risk coastal areas - Condemn the city of Miami.

    • eduardog3000 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Convert basically every suitable factory to manufacture solar panels, wind turbines, and other things necessary

      Seriously, I feel like it isn't mentioned enough that we don't just need to "do something" about climate change, we basically need to retool our entire economy around it.

  • Alex_Jones [he/him]
    2 years ago

    First, I think I'd go after all the billionaires and their enablers before they can flee. Make them all live in an average apartment building. They'd be forced to work jobs that serve others.

    I'd also force the US to relinquish any foreign companies, colonies, holdings, or wealth and return those things to their peoples.

    I'd dissolve most of the military and bullshit companies like insurance and get that going for universal health care, education, and the end of homelessness.

    I'd do so much more, but I've gotta get out of bed now.

    • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
      2 years ago

      I do be thinking making billionaires working class is the ultimate slight to them. They view themselves as gods and to be humbled back to being an average person like everyone else is fitting.

        • Alex_Jones [he/him]
          2 years ago

          In this fantasy, they would live near their former workers. They would have all of their needs met like everyone else, but they'll have to treat them as they have always been - equals. Now if those former workers have words for them or what could be construed as inhumane, I can't say.

    • Zo1db3rg [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Make Jeff Bezos work at a fake Amazon facility that treats him like he's one of his employees. Till the day he fucking dies. Meanwhile all of actual Amazon is nationalized and all working conditions and benefits to the actual employees is drastically improved.

      • Slavic [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Bordiga live whole life in chair with arms

    • eduardog3000 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      FDR didn't actually pick Truman, the Democratic Party forced him on the ticket, knowing FDR wasn't in great health. FDR's previous VP, Henry Wallace, was too far left (slightly left of FDR so not actually a socialist) for them.

  • HarryLime [any]
    2 years ago

    Universal public housing, possibly on the model of Singapore or Vienna, whatever works. Universal healthcare, and right to employment. Nationalize natural resources, nationalize banking, outlaw or severely restrict private equity, nationalize public utilities, nationalize steel and railroads, reverse Jimmy Carter's deregulation of the trucking industry or possibly nationalize it. Universal debt relief.

    Give workers the right to elect at least half of the board members on a corporation, encourage companies to provide employee-ownership plans to transition companies into cooperatives. Expand social security, free college and apprenticeships, free universal childcare, mandate paid leave, and mandate paid maternal and paternal leave. Repeal Taft-Hartly and tilt labor law heavily in favor of unionization. Natural monopolies must be state-owned, break up all other monopolies.

    Land transfers and sovereignty for first nations, with representation in government if they choose.

    Land reform for small farmers. Form and encourage farming cooperatives, and nationalization of large agribusinesses.

    Build municipal broadband networks. Build a high-speed rail network. Increase public transit in every city, reduce and eliminate car-dependency in urban and suburban areas, reform zoning laws to build more "missing middle" housing (this goes along with public housing), build Netherlands-style bike infrastructure everywhere. In fact, just put the Strong Towns people in charge of all urban planning.

    This might be unpopular here, but a Nicaragua-style micro-entrepreneur program would be very well received in America.

    Edit: And of course, close overseas military bases, reduce military spending, and reorient America's foreign policy towards peace, mutual cooperation with other nations, and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. The guiding star of American foreign policy will be the wise words of John Quincy Adams: America does not go abroad in search of dragons to slay.

    • Slavic [he/him]
      2 years ago

      There would be a sort of ‘lebensraum’,


      in which space for those who need it most is made by carving a bloody path through reactionaries

      Oh, this good actually. Okay. :halal:

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Implement The 1936 Constitution of the Soviet Union, with minor edits to better tailor it to the American condition.

    Probably degrade the states into prefectures and reorganize groups of them into regional socialist republics based on their former interconnectedness to each other as states.

    Probably collaborate with the native tribes to reclaim regions of their homelands with the option for full independence and national autonomy at their democratic decision. Hopefully they'd be willing to stay in the union as autonomous regional socialist republics.

    The black Americans of America are to be given the democratic choice to either choose to form an autonomous regional socialist Republic in what is commonly known as the "black belt" with the option to democratically vote for full independence and national autonomy, or to continue pushing for full integration into American society.

    The Chicago's of America are to be given the democratic choice to either choose to form an autonomous regional socialist Republic in the region they commonly reside in with the option to democratically vote for full independence and national autonomy, or to continue pushing for full integration into American society.

    Help the communists of Mexico and Canada in their fight for liberation of their countries in order to deny Capital a doorstep on the home of the Resurgent Revolution. Offer the peoples of Mexico and Canada to join as socialist republics or fully support their countries should they choose to maintain their national autonomy.

    Assuming the spooks don't have basement nukes to destroy all of their archives and information, seize everything and start airing out the nightmarish skeletons in the U.S's closet, and utilize any strategic information for the benefit of the revolutionary cause.

    Open a west-wing theme park dedicated to letting all the libs and hogs continue their theater performances for the entertainment of the masses. Ensure both Trump and Biden have their own white houses to pontificate from and continue all the stupid harmless traditions to their hearts content. Call the theme park "The tale of Two Americas"

    • HarryLime [any]
      2 years ago

      Implement The 1936 Constitution of the Soviet Union, with minor edits to better tailor it to the American condition.

      Constitutions in socialist countries come about through processes of mass consultation with the people, with suggestions from the people incorporated into the final draft. Bluntly importing a nearly hundred year old constitution with minor edits won't work at all.

      Probably collaborate with the native tribes to reclaim regions of their homelands with the option for full independence and national autonomy at their democratic decision. Hopefully they’d be willing to stay in the union as autonomous regional socialist republics.

      The black Americans of America are to be given the democratic choice to either choose to form an autonomous regional socialist Republic in what is commonly known as the “black belt” with the option to democratically vote for full independence and national autonomy, or to continue pushing for full integration into American society.

      The Chicago’s of America are to be given the democratic choice to either choose to form an autonomous regional socialist Republic in the region they commonly reside in with the option to democratically vote for full independence and national autonomy, or to continue pushing for full integration into American society.

      This, absolutely. I should have had this in my response.

      • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        Constitutions in socialist countries come about through processes of mass consultation with the people, with suggestions from the people incorporated into the final draft. Bluntly importing a nearly hundred year old constitution with minor edits won’t work at all.

        That 85 year old document is infinitely better than any constitution the West has produced. Using it as the foundation to a modern American constitution would progress the rights and material conditions of the workers to a degree not seen since the emancipation proclamation

        Just because something is old does not mean it is antiquated.

        • HarryLime [any]
          2 years ago

          Nothing you said negates my point. Regardless of how great the Soviet constitution was, the process of forming a new socialist American constitution can't simply be copying it with minor alterations. It can be presented to the American peoples as a potential model, but it's up to them to accept or reject it, and to form a constitution based on a democratic process of mass consultation.

            • HarryLime [any]
              2 years ago

              I'm sorry if I came off as attacking you. I don't mean to upset you.

              • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
                2 years ago

                Sorry for snapping, the forced overtime I've been on has been getting me really frayed lately.

    • RollOfTape [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      Probably degrade the states into prefectures and reorganize groups of them into regional socialist republics based on their former interconnectedness to each other as states.

      Probably collaborate with the native tribes to reclaim regions of their homelands with the option for full independence and national autonomy at their democratic decision. Hopefully they’d be willing to stay in the union as autonomous regional socialist republics.

      This feels like one unnecessary step. Divide the US based on pre colombian states, adapt where people have been displaced.

      • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        That's a non-marxist take. Stringent censuses need to take place to minimize disruptions to the supply chain while eliminating the artificial state culture. Additionally considerations must be taken from the living native groups according to their needs and not according to old maps.

        If for example the Lakota tribes vote to be restored to their historical homeland whereas the Siox tribes vote to stay on the reservations, then you would be indeed fulfilling the desires of one people but would be ignoring another.

        This is to say the discussion of the native question is not your nor my business beyond cooperating and supporting the native peoples decisions to the best of our ability.

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    Universal Healthcare. End homelessness. Eliminate poverty. Those three right there off the top of my head. Then I'd start thinking about getting everyone out of prison and wiping clean the slate of "crime". I'd have to figure out something to do with violent offenders, a way to actually rehabilitate them and get them back into society. The police would be abolished as well, what I'd replace them with is community defense of people that live and work in those areas who know each other and can actually intervene in a humane way to any crisis that may come up.

    • @solaranus
      10 months ago

      deleted by creator

  • Gosplan14 [any]
    2 years ago

    Hand power over to a/multiple communist parties. No more leaderism. Besides, I do not trust myself.

    Then create a State Planning committee that will take a year or so to calculate all production time, prices, logistical chains, with the goal of creating a planned economy based upon a computerized system, nationalizing all businesses gradually until only the smallest (preferably only single employee ones) are left. The priority of the first [x] year plan will of course be tackling climate change and increasing low incomes, while decreasing high incomes.

    Reform currency into some kind of labor voucher system and make non-monetary trade deals with countries of the third world, and self-proclaimed socialist states, in anticipation of (international and domestic) Bourgeois backlash.

    Create militias in anticipation of the chud backlash and watch as the EU starts condemning the human rights violations. Of course withdraw all troops from abroad.

    Create localized democracy, but maintain the primacy of the communists for about a decade or so or until popular support is large enough.

    Reforms, reforms, reforms. Education, Healthcare, media, transport, taxes, etc.

    Watch the nation collapse into chaos, as Bourgeois and traditionalists fight back against their losses, and if we survive, offer those bourgies that didn't fight back or flee regular jobs, ignore the liberals unless violent, try to remove the material conditions for chuds to exist (cultural, economic, etc.) and the start massively increasing foreign aid to socialist states (that need it, of course)

    Step down and let other comrades continue, as there might be things I missed, but inadvertently repeat some mistake of that was done before and see the gains of socialism be gradually undone by opportunists and revisionists.