According to the Danish media, apparently he was quoting Lenin, Peppa Pig, making car noises and just had a random pause for 20 seconds while rumming through his speech papers. So far I have not yet found the supposed Lenin quote, but I REALLY want it to be true.
The first 9 people we asked disagreed, but number 10 said this.
Be nice to him, his college girlfriend is in prison. :maxwell:
Oh wait, this is an order of operations thing!
Boris Johnson is
notunwell and hasnotlost his gripNow for the integers
BoJo "has entered a new phase", will re-emerge next year when he has drunk deep from the subterranean marrowwells, No 10 says
My "I'm not unwell and I've not lost my grip" T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.
Number 10: "He's fine, he just had too much cocaine and he's an aristocrat. They're all fucking weird like this."