When your leftism is actually anarcho-Atlanticism https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsleftymemes/comments/198yur1/its_honestly_really_dissapointing_to_see_how_many/

  • happybadger [he/him]
    9 months ago

    The survivors of an American genocide protesting another American genocide by causing slight delays to shipping which makes plastic shit 5% more expensive.

    The Houthi should be Marvel superheroes and models of the bare minimum of protest against genocide. If they sink an aircraft carrier they won't kill half as many volunteer sailors as those sailors have murdered Palestinian children.

    • save_vs_death [they/them]
      9 months ago

      if even that, it's more like 2%, of course corpos will use this moment to justify a 10% hike or something, which they will then never lower, never let a good tragedy go to waste, etc.

    • kleeon [he/him, he/him]
      9 months ago

      my shipment of sex arses is 1 week late and now I have no choice but to support genocide

    • FumpyAer [any, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      You'd have to imagine that aircraft carriers have the finest lifeboats available... I doubt more than 100 soldiers would die, probably fewer.

      • emizeko [they/them]
        9 months ago

        you'd think so, but there's a good chance the contractor pocketed all the money that was supposed to go towards making them seaworthy

      • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
        8 months ago

        I dunno, there's like 5,000 people on each of those fuckers; 100 seems like an awfully small number for a town sinking into the ocean lifeboats or not.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    9 months ago

    The best part is that a month ago, none of these people knew what a Houthi was, nor gave a shit about the Saudis bombing Yemen in the first place

  • robinn_IV
    9 months ago


  • Egon
    1 month ago

    deleted by creator

  • robinn_IV
    9 months ago

    It’s critical support because they are having a progressive impact by blocking the genocide in Palestine. Everyone putting this support down by pointing out reactionary ideology is a complete idealist child. None of these “anti-Houthi (Ansar Allah) leftists” actually care to understand why this ideology came about.

  • Cromalin [she/her]
    9 months ago

    wait hold on

    why is this in "starwarsleftymemes"????

  • micnd90 [he/him,any]
    9 months ago

    What's wrong with civil disobedience?

    0 people killed by the Houthis

    24,000 people including 10,000 children killed by Israel

      • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
        8 months ago

        I wish there was some means of showing whether these people even knew these countries existed and whether they could point to them on a map before they hit the news cycle. I would guess approximately 0% of these libs could've done so.

  • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Anarcho-Atlanticism is a great way of putting it. These types really aren't that different from standard CHUDs. They want the Brave New World dystopia because they think they'll be the alphas, the global north is one big post-labor party while the global south does the heavy lifting for us. Why are these people both annoyingly smug but so perfectly content with being useless?

    • FumpyAer [any, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      An especially good point made by a maoist redditor:


      yemeni armed forces*

      it's important to take into account that the ansar allah movement leads the democratic yemeni republic, which has the majority of important points throughout the country under their control, in which they actively restructure the country by implementing actual characteristica of a central state, implementing land reform, overcoming tribalist and religious sectarian differentiations etc. the media especially of the nato countries usually call them 'houthi rebels' in order to present them as a militia, when the reality is that the very 'government' they support through the prolonged aggression led by saudi is the one without legitimacy.

      Another relatively good one:


      I praise them specifically blockading israeli & US shipping while both settler colonial regimes are committing genocide against Palestinians but in all other regards they can get fucked.

      All evidence points to them being extremely discriminatory in their embargo & that tracks seeing as they are not stupid & have no interest in spending tens of millions of dollars of their weaponry for no reason. Despite western news pretending that they are & pretending that they’re attacking all ships lol. As far as I see it, every nation & organisation on this planet should be disabling or commandeering all ships heading to israel while they commit a genocide.

  • Zvyozdochka [she/her, comrade/them]
    8 months ago

    The revolutionary character of a national movement under the conditions of imperialist oppression does not necessarily presuppose the existence of proletarian elements in the movement, the existence of a revolutionary or a republican programme of the movement, the existence of a democratic basis of the movement. The struggle that the Emir of Afghanistan is waging for the independence of Afghanistan is objectively a revolutionary struggle, despite the monarchist views of the Emir and his associates, for it weakens, disintegrates and undermines imperialism; whereas the struggle waged by such "desperate" democrats and "Socialists," "revolutionaries" and republicans as, for example, Kerensky and Tsereteli, Renaudel and Scheidemann, Chernov and Dan, Henderson and Clynes, during the imperialist war was a reactionary struggle, for its results was the embellishment, the strengthening, the victory, of imperialism. For the same reasons, the struggle that the Egyptians merchants and bourgeois intellectuals are waging for the independence of Egypt is objectively a revolutionary struggle, despite the bourgeois origin and bourgeois title of the leaders of Egyptian national movement, despite the fact that they are opposed to socialism; whereas the struggle that the British "Labour" Government is waging to preserve Egypt's dependent position is for the same reason a reactionary struggle, despite the proletarian origin and the proletarian title of the members of the government, despite the fact that they are "for" socialism. There is no need to mention the national movement in other, larger, colonial and dependent countries, such as India and China, every step of which along the road to liberation, even if it runs counter to the demands of formal democracy, is a steam-hammer blow at imperialism, i.e., is undoubtedly a revolutionary step.

    — Stalin, The Foundations of Leninism

    They didn't read the book stalin-bummed

  • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
    8 months ago

    You ever notice how they always say their opponents are "praising" the "bad guys", instead of just supporting? Ties it to thoughts of religious praise, all the better to pretend those silly leftists are just brainwashed zealots!. Reminds me of the Christian fundamentalists who think atheists worship the devil.

    "The twisted caricature in my head is real, and you worship it!"