Hodges added that there was a big caveat to his prediction, "I've been wrong a lot", he said.
Mayans: "Oh shit lmao I got a digit wrong, whatever not much difference between 2012 and 2022"
In geologic time its basically statistical noise, I say they nailed it
Honestly I kinda see where :reddit-logo: got the idea that they'd go to Ukraine to obliterate Russian forces.
Russia is going to culminate
:top-cop: do NOT come
pretending to teach others a word you don't understand in an attempt to be condescendingly tacticool
"Within the next 10 days Russia is going to culminate" is a line from a Felix bit.
Russia is going to expose their mound of venus and that's when Ukraine will begin the cycle of waxing and waning anew.
Russia needs one other thing to win that they'll never have:
the girl reading this :hyperflush:
In 10 days Russia will have to stop use their artisan bullets, individually hand crafted and meticulously painted by skilled craftsmen and go over to some mass produced crap, and then what is even the point any more?
Bullets are very expensive when every one has a series of smaller bullets nested inside it.
Oh, I'm glad this invasion turned out to be a whole nothing-burger. Weird to get so worked up about it for the last few weeks
Guess they'll have to use their evil chemical weapons they weaponized from our innocent bio labs at that point, since Putin will be desperate to just kill as many people as possible, since that's his only possible goal here
Russia is going to run out of ammunition? Russia? Is going to run out of ammunition? Who told them that?
This person totally knows what the world culminate means