• Llituro [he/him, they/them]
    5 months ago

    you know, i've read a lot of evil shit beyond my imagining, but this one really takes the fucking cake. doomjak

  • OgdenTO [he/him]
    5 months ago

    What I love most is having my entire world destroyed reading something like this and then having to go back to work like everything's fine

  • TraumaDumpling
    5 months ago

    stuff like this is why i don't believe in a powerful and benevolent deity, any god worth worshiping would stop things like this or at least punish those responsible in a visible and agonizing way. an intentional creation that contains acts such as these is fundamentally and irrecoverably flawed, 'free will' or no.

  • RedundantClam [they/them]
    5 months ago

    Everyday is the most brazen atrocity that I can imagine. I feel terrible for dealing with shit going on in my own life. Mostly because it feels so insubstantial to the absolutely vile things that are happening to the most vulnerable people across the world from me. But it also makes me feel helpless, like I've gone out, protested, and campaigned for local issues that haven't changed things in the slightest. What is to be done about atrocities that far away?

    Like the Irish rep to the EU said, this should end with Israel as a pariah state, but even if that's the case it's little solace in the face of the bloodshed in front of us.

    • Bloobish [comrade/them]
      5 months ago

      Any sane UN with actual power would turn Israel into a economically blockaded state at a minimum, the same that has been done to Cuba at the behest of the West. Instead the US must protect it's small sociopath state in the Middle East at all counts.

  • GinAndJuche
    5 months ago

    There is no fate prolonged and painful enough to amount to meaningful justice against the IDF

  • Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]
    5 months ago

    If Murdock News is reporting this, the line was already crossed. I think the Blob is going to vote Bibi off the Island.