• AbbysMuscles [she/her]
    4 months ago

    Fucking god dammit, Americans just can't stop putting lead in food. We love it, we crave it, there is no true end to it. Just a few months ago some applesauce companies got in trouble for using lead as sweetener. This is in a nation that took over Hawaii for sugar fields and subsidizes corn syrup to such an absurd degree that we're collectively assigned diabetic at birth. But no, let's add more fucking lead. I refuse to believe there is some accidental means by which lead can reach modern food production. We've known of its dangers for so long, it'd be so easy to just not have lead around our food, but we truly can't help ourselves.

    • sloth [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      One of the recalled brands is, I kid you not, "Supreme Tradition", sold at Dollar Tree.

      Other 5 are La Fiesta, sold at La Superior and SuperMercados; Marcum, sold at Save A Lot; MTCI, sold at SF Supermarket; Swad, sold at Patel Brothers; and El Chilar, sold at La Joya Morelense.

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      There are more guns than Americans in the US

      Most Americans are not aware that shooting spreads lead all their body unless you clean it

      If you bring this up, you’ll just be made fun of for being a pansy and that they’ve been shooting for fiddy years and nothings wrong with their noggin

      • AbbysMuscles [she/her]
        4 months ago

        I know indoor ranges are super unhealthy for that reason. What do you mean by "clean it" - if I go shooting outside, should I wear a mask or take colloidal silver or what?

        • Dolores [love/loves]
          4 months ago

          wash your hands after touching a lead bullet? usually the surface isn't even lead tho lol

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          4 months ago

          Wash your hands after cleaning or reloading the gun or wear gloves while doing so and don't put your hands near your mouth until you do. Inhaling lead dust and smoke over an extended period is the main reason gun ranges can be a problem, which seems to be could be solved with good ventilation, or failing that literally any face mask or even a rag over your mouth. The elevated lead levels seem to be mostly in employees at gun ranges although people who spend a LOT of time at indoor shooting ranges also have had similar levels. Also like, a lil lead here and there is fine, consistent and chronic exposure is where the trouble comes from. Aldo it can't be absorbed through the skin at all, it's safe to bathe in water from lead pipes. If you do ever need to drink from one run cold water for a good 30 seconds first, it's the water coating the pipes that gets all leaded up while the tap isn't in use so you can flush it out with fresh flowing water and be fine as well. Tbh, you're probably perfectly safe already.

    • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
      4 months ago

      Americans just can't stop putting lead in food. We love it, we crave it, there is no true end to it.

      We're just like Rome fr

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]
    4 months ago

    The agency found elevated levels of lead and chromium in six brands: La Fiesta, sold at La Superior and SuperMercados; Marcum, sold at Save A Lot; MTCI, sold at SF Supermarket;

    The FDA is also recommending that the manufacturers of the products recall them, with the exception of MTCI cinnamon because the agency has not been able to reach the company

    They’ll give agents guns in order to hunt down people who send in taxes wrong.

    But for people who decide that literally poisoning our minds and bodies is worth it, the government just makes a phone call and won’t even give the bare minimum safety recommendation for customers because the company never picked up.

    An utterly diseased, and now poisoned, country.

  • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
    4 months ago

    It's cool how I never hear about this kind of shit except on sites like this.

  • Comp4 [she/her]
    4 months ago

    That's the secret ingredient in my cinnamon crunch

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    4 months ago

    Sometimes I wonder what it is the FDA actually does. I'm only partially joking. Like - if I took samples from my own kitchen from all unopened groceries and sent them to a lab to test for toxins - what would be found?

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      The FDA advises companies to issue “voluntary recalls ” and no one is punished.

      The agency found elevated levels of lead and chromium in six brands: La Fiesta, sold at La Superior and SuperMercados; Marcum, sold at Save A Lot; MTCI, sold at SF Supermarket; Swad, sold at Patel Brothers; Supreme Tradition, sold at Dollar Tree and Family Dollar; and El Chilar, sold at La Joya Morelense.

      The FDA was able to detect levels of lead in the affected ground cinnamon products through product testing. Consumers should not eat, sell or serve the ground cinnamon products and instead, should discard them immediately, per the FDA’s recommendations. The FDA is also recommending that the manufacturers of the products recall them, with the exception of MTCI cinnamon because the agency has not been able to reach the company..

      The FDA is also recommending that the manufacturers of the products recall them, with the exception of MTCI cinnamon because the agency has not been able to reach the company..

      They found lead in a company’s products, and they’re not advising the company to recall it. Because they won’t answer the agency’s phone call. The government agency.

      In a just world they’d send a squad to the HQ of the consumable’s company, hold a trial for the executives inside the office, and sentence them to death before pushing them out the skyscraper’s window.

      • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
        4 months ago


        How to maximize profit in food manufacturing

        • Remove health and safety protocols

        • If the FDA finds out - don't answer the phone.

  • LibsEatPoop [any]
    4 months ago

    Yeah, I'm only gonna get whole spices from now on and grind them myself, thank you very much.

    Fucking hell.

    • JamesConeZone [they/them]
      4 months ago

      Always cool when there is so much metal in dried herbs they conclude by saying "grow and dry your own" in the richest country in the world

  • kristina [she/her]
    4 months ago

    the places cinnamon is grown tends to have higher lead amounts in the soil. could be that + old lead piping for irrigation is too much to handle

    • corymbia@reddthat.com
      4 months ago

      I don’t think this is true.

      A person milling cinnamon in Ecuador was recently found to be bulking out his output with stuff including lead chromate as a colourant. This found its way up into the manufacturing chain for apple sauce amongst other products. This is merely one example of food contamination which the FDA is meant to be guarding against. Unfortunately they are frequently stymied by our buddies in the GOP who hate ‘gummit control’.

      • kristina [she/her]
        4 months ago

        yeah, watering down the product is also another possibility obviously, i was thinking about environmental concerns, there have been issues in the past of farms being next to heavy industry for example

        going back to upton sinclair these days

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    4 months ago

    If I were to play conspiracy theorist for a second I would say they're trying to infect the young population to lower empathy the way they did for Boomers and X

    • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
      4 months ago

      I could totally see that.

      grillman: "Sorry kiddo, but come on and eat the lead you liberal pansy! It will help the economy!"

      frothingfash: "Eat the metal, soyboy. Don't you want to be a based alpha male badass like me? Empathy is for icky GIRLS!"

      (Both are feds)

  • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Why does this country hate everything good? If they really can't help but put lead in food, why can't it be in legit garbage crackkka food like mayo or marshmallow fluff (do not google that).

    Not to let out my inner lib again, but it's not like you read about this shit regularly happening in Mexico or Canada, two other car-dependent North Americans countries.