340 american 9/11s from covid, another 300 9/11s from gun deaths and another 300 from cars since 2001, and the planet is boiling but Keith "SIR HAVE YOU NO DECENCY SIR" Olbermann wants the head of an intern who wasn't even alive in 2001
Listen Kieth every minute we aren't projecting a television advertisement on the 9/11 memorial is a minute of wasted value. It would be un-American to allow such prime real estate to lay fallow
sir 9/11 was 21 years ago. people born after it are gonna be legally drinking in like two months
time for you to get over it and move the fuck on
Except the grenfell tower and that one Florida tower that collapsed due to water damages
Not as based as these absolute lads and this queen
Okay but for real why the fuck did they do this? It’s absolutely hilarious but I am confused about why
I want some animations of the towers being bats and then battling each other.
Keith kinda got me into politics :cringe:
At one time he was the only MSM cable tv pundit doing critical journalism, which reminds you how bad things were.
Covered Occupy pretty well. But completely lost his mind with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
It is offensive, get that boston trash the fuck out of NY and put the NY Mets logo there where it belongs!
People put the weirdest shit by their TVs. What the fuck is that white thing?
like a porcelain wedding dress or something else sensible
Dear God, I pray that I will get to live in a world where nobody has more serious problems than this.
Imagine the outrage and flaccid indignation if Fox made the same graphic but placed the two team logos on a CGI version of Biden's desiccated and boney arsecheeks? Like two tattoos on a couple of baked potatoes.
Fox should double down on the opening day of the NFL season have their robot mascot juking crosses at Arlington Cemetery like Tyreek Hill.
Nah but the planes that hit the towers took off from Boston, so lol
9/11 was god punishing people for not taking the train, which takes the same amount of time